6th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2023

  Promises are important statements, often heavy with meaning. We usually expect someone trustworthy to carry out what he/she has promised. And when the promise is spoken by… God, we cannot but rely on his words. One such statement is made by Jesus in today’s gospel text (John 14:15-21). He […]

3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B

In today’s first reading (3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B – Acts 3:13-15,17-19), we see Peter addressing a group of Jews. Of course, the scene takes place after the resurrection and Peter is now brave and bold in speaking the truth as he sees it. He openly accuses those before […]

International Day against Nuclear Tests – 29 August

Since nuclear weapons testing began on 16 July 1945, nearly 2,000 have taken place. Early on, having nuclear weapons was seen as a measure of scientific sophistication or military might, with little consideration given to the devastating effects of testing on human life, let alone the dangers of nuclear fallout […]

Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year A

If you mention the word ‘TRINITY’ to a group of theologians, or to some Scripture scholars, they will probably give you some lengthy explanations. Exegetes, theology professors, spiritual authors will probably do the same. Definitions and explanations, are their domain. Expounding on concepts and themes is very much part of […]

6th Sunday of Easter, C

We are all familiar with the Ads section of the newspaper, the special area of ‘Job description’. Many people looking for employment will consult this regularly. Today gospel (6th Sunday of Easter C, Jn.14:23-29) gives us, somehow, a job description of… the Holy Spirit! This expression may seem irreverent when […]