l_389With as many as 640 million guns circulating in the world today, approximately one per every ten persons, the fear of and threat to civilians posed by small arms and light weapons (SALW) cannot be overstated. With this in mind, governments, international organization and NGOs around the world mark 9 July as the International Gun Destruction Day.

By providing independent, impartial and neutral technical advice as well as assistance for the development and implementation of safe and effective SALW destruction initiatives, SEESAC has directly contributed to the destruction of approximately 240,341 pieces of SALW and ammunition across South East Europe since 2002, making the region that much safer.

These SEESAC activities are closely linked to its regional effort to help the collection of illegal and unwanted SALW and to raise awareness among the civilian population about the dangers these weapons present.

Source: Text & Image: SEESAC

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