WebsiteLogoInternational Epilepsy Day is a special event which promotes awareness of epilepsy in more than 120 countries each year. Every year on the second Monday of February people join together to celebrate and highlight the problems faced by people with epilepsy, their families and carers.

This is a day for everyone, no matter where you are, no matter how small your group or large your area, no matter whether you focus on the medical or the social aspects of the disease. We want you to help us celebrate International Epilepsy Day! Let’s speak with one global voice.

The Day is a joint initiative by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE).

The recurring theme for International Epilepsy Day – Epilepsy is more than Seizures – highlights the fact that, for many people, the stigma and discrimination faced by people with epilepsy, can be more difficult to overcome than the seizures themselves. Despite the fact at up to 70% of people with epilepsy will have their seizures successfully controlled, in the general public there is still fear and ignorance on what epilepsy really is. An international day focussed on epilepsy, will help to raise awareness and educate both the general public on the true facts about epilepsy, and the urgent need for improved treatment and care, and greater investment in research.

Source: Text & Image: International Epilepsy Day and International Bureau for Epilepsy

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