One could be tempted to give this Sunday’s gospel text (Lk.9:11-17) the following title:

“The dynamics of problem solving: People’s way and… Jesus’ way.” 

The way of people, very often, is exemplified by the apostles’ attitude:
First, to tell Jesus what to do! “Send the people away…”
And second, to throw the responsibility on someone else to solve a problem:
“They can go to villages and farms round about to find lodging and food…”

Jesus turns the situation right around in a short statement.
His words turn the responsibility the other way around:
“Give them something to eat yourselves.”
But, Jesus will help them to do so, himself being ‘helped’ by the contribution of a child!
Fascinating dynamics indeed, and… what wonderful outcome results of it!

Note: Another reflections is available on a different theme in French at:


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