
Greetings to each and everyone of you.

This section for English-speaking viewers –
and all those enjoying the culture –

has developed over the months and is now offering materials of all kinds:

texts, images, poems, videos, etc.

It will continue to provide you with rich contents week after week.


30th Sunday of Year A






If I were to say : ”Here are the people God prefers”, some may be quick to reply :
“God has no favourites”, saint Paul says it clearly when writing to the Romans (Rom.2:11).

And yet… I believe that God is… partial to some people among all his children.
They are mentioned many times throughout the Bible:
the widows, the orphans, the strangers, the weak, the needy, the downcast, those whose rights are ignored.
Amazingly, God affirms that he, himself, will defend them.

It is the message of this Sunday’s 1st reading: (30th Sunday Year A – Ex.22:20-26).
The text is forceful and the words challenging, to say the least:

“You must not molest the stranger or oppress him…
You must not be harsh with the widow, or with the orphan;
if you are harsh with them, they will surely cry out to me,
and be sure I shall hear their cry.”
Many texts of Scripture repeat this message clearly given also in Psalm 82:2-4:
“Let the weak and the orphan have justice,
be fair to the wretched and destitute;
rescue the weak and needy.”

The lowly and the needy, those despised and rejected, the victims of exploitation and repression, the ones who experience dejection and rejection – all of them have a special… power, it seems – the power to touch God’s heart and be favoured with his compassion.

If God hears their cry, we, who should reflect God’s image, should we not do as much?…

Source: Images: blogs.tribune.com.pk        Youtube    Soul Sheperding



World Polio Day – 24 October

 World Polio Day is an opportunity for the global polio eradication community to renew its promise of a polio-free world to future generations.

In honor of World Polio Day, CDC will celebrate and highlight polio eradication work around the globe using Twitter and Facebook. Tweets will feature the efforts and photos of CDC staff deployed in the field who are working to end polio. CDC will also create a photo gallery on the Center for Global Health Facebook page to feature images of polio eradication work done by CDC and partners worldwide.

World Polio Day, established by Rotary International over a decade ago, is held on October 24th in celebration of the birth of Dr. Jonas Salk, the man who led the first team to develop a vaccine against polio. The development of the polio vaccine reduced polio worldwide by 99% with only Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan as the remaining polio endemic countries in 2012.

Source: Text: CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   Image: Journée Mondiale

World Osteoporosis Day – 20 October

World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated on October 20, 2017. World Osteoporosis Day is observed annually, and launches a year-long campaign dedicated to raising global awareness of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease.

Organized by the International Osteoporosis Foundation, World Osteoporosis Day involves campaigns by national osteoporosis patient societies from around the world with activities in over 90 countries. World Osteoporosis Day was launched on 20 October 1996 by the United Kingdom’s National Osteoporosis Society and supported by the European Commission.

Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease that is characterised by a decrease in bone mass and density and that leads to an increased risk of fracture. In osteoporosis, the bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, bone microarchitecture deteriorates, and the amount and variety of proteins in bone are altered.

Source: Text: With material from: Wikipedia, www.cute-calendar.com   Image: Logo World Osteoporosis Day

World Day for Conflict Resolution – 19 October

Conflict Resolution Day is a global event, intended to promote the concept of peaceful conflict resolution. Created in 2005 by the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR), it is now an annual celebration.

Primarily an educational event, the main purpose of Conflict Resolution Day is to increase awareness of the various peaceful, non-violent methods of conflict resolution available, such as mediation and arbitration. In addition, the ACR hopes to promote their use in various different avenues of life, including in schools, workplaces, within the legal system and even amongst families.

The Association for Conflict Resolution, alongside various independent organisations, host informative events all over the world, so check the event listings in your local area and see if you can attend one.

If not, why not spend the day learning about the contributions of some of history’s great peaceful conflict mediators?

Source: Text: DAYSoftheYEAR  Image: Journée Mondiale



29th Sunday of Year A

The last verse of this Sunday’s gospel text (29th of Year A – Mt.22 :15-21) is so well-know to us that we sometimes use it ourselves… for our own purposes!
“Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”

The meaning of the words is obvious and we do not question what the saying aims at as far as Caesar is concerned.
People will immediately think of such duties as: obeying the law, paying taxes, selecting just leaders by voting and… paying fines (if one is guilty of an offence involving such returns).
And what belongs to God? What are we expected to ‘render’ him?
Some will say: respect, adoration, obedience, prayer, thanksgiving, etc.
And much more…

All in all, it is plain, clear, simple, obvious!
But as I reflect on this gospel text I tell myself that, perhaps, yes perhaps… I should add something.
Not to the list of items to ‘give back’ but to the… beneficiaries!
Somehow, I feel that there are a number of people to whom I should return something for what they have done, and keep doing, for me.

My mind brings back to me the memory of:

– The good teachers who have provided me with sound knowledge.
– The skilled surgeon who operated on me and the medical staff who assisted him in bringing me back to health.
– The lawyer who wisely defended me when I had been wrongfully accused of a misdeed.
– The kind neighbour always ready to help me with this or that.
– The faithful friend always there when I need her assistance.
– The dynamic fellow coaching my children in their sport activities.
– The ever-smiling garage mechanic on whom I can safely rely.

This is my list… and you surely have yours…
I feel I should give back something to them for their kindness, their assistance, their good-humour, the wisdom they share with me, and their presence when I am in need.

Yes, I SHALL give back to Caesar, to God, and… to all those kind-hearted people who make life so much lighter and enjoyable!

Image: stjohspr.org


World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty – 17 October

On October 17, 1987,World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty , at the call of Father Joseph Wresinski , 100,000 human rights defenders gathered at the Parvis du Trocadéro in Paris to honor the victims of hunger, violence, ignorance and violence. To say their refusal of misery and call on humanity to unite to make respect for Human Rights..

A slab, proclaiming this message, was inaugurated on this occasion on the Parvis des Libertés and Human Rights, where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948.

Source: Text: Zyppia, NationalPedia Image:UN



World Food Day- 15 October

World Food Day was first launched in 1945. The reason World Food Day was created was to celebrate the launch of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation.

The main principle which World Food Day celebrates is the furtherance of food security all over the world, especially in times of crisis. The launch of the Food and Agriculture Organisation by the UN has played a huge role in taking this worthy goal forward. Its annual celebration serves as a marker of the importance of this organisation and helps to raise awareness of the crucial need for successful agriculture policies to be implemented by governments across the world to ensure there is ample food available for everyone.

In recent years, World Food Day has used its annual day of celebration to focus on different aspects of food security and agriculture, including fishing communities, climate change and biodiversity.

Source: Text: DAYSoftheYEAR   Image: hah.hr



World Hospice and Palliative Care Day – 14 October

The Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA) has announced the theme of this year’s World Hospice and Palliative Care Day and Voices for Hospices. The theme is: Universal Health Coverage and Palliative Care: Don’t leave those suffering behind!

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day is the global day of action for hospice and palliative care. It is taking place this year on 14 October 2017 to raise awareness of palliative care as a crucial, defining part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

The sub-theme is: CARE, COUNT, COST.

It isn’t UHC without universal access to palliative care. Palliative care is an essential, defining part of Universal Health Coverage (promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services).

UHC means that all people and communities can use the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need. We must bring UHC including palliative care to those who need it most.

What gets measured gets done. We need to measure palliative care as part of UHC. 40 million people need palliative care annually including 20 million at the end of life. In 42% of the world’s countries there is ZERO availability of palliative care.

No one should face destitution and poverty when they get sick. Paying for costly treatment or travel to treatment and care services as well as loss of income by the person who is ill or their carers can lead to financial risk. Palliative care can reduce the financial burden driven by serious chronic and life-limiting illness.

Source: Text: whpca.org  Image: International drug Policy Consortium

28th Sunday of Year A

On this Sunday (28th of Year A) we are given another of those parables well-known to us: the invitation to a wedding party (Mt.22:1-14).
Who would want to miss this? But, obviously, some people are not keen on the idea…
The gospel text says as much: “They were not interested…” (v.5)

Looking at the gospel narratives as a whole, I realize that many of the texts show us scenes of… INVITATIONS.
It is obvious for the first disciples, Andrew and John, who were told: “Come and see… (Jn.1:39).”
The invitation was addressed, in one form or another, to all the apostles.
Matthew, among others, was asked to leave his tax collector work and follow Jesus (Mt.9:9).
And all the others accepted as well to join the group of Jesus’ close followers.

Much later, Thomas was invited to a life of a faith which no longer admits of doubt: “Doubt no longer but believe” (Jn.21:27).

Nicodemus (Jn.3:1-16) was invited to be born anew…

The Samaritan woman (Jn.4:5-30) was invited (requested…) to give Jesus water so that, in turn, he may do the same for her, but giving water of a different kind.

The adulterous woman (Jn.8:1-11) was invited to a new life leaving behind her old ways: “Go away, and don’t sin anymore.”

The scribe asking the question (Lc.10:25-37) about his ‘neighbour’ was invited – more still, was told – to “do the same…”

In subtle, and not so subtle ways (as in today’s parable), the Pharisees too had been invited: “If I speak the truth, why do you not believe me?” (Jn.8:46). “Walk while you have the light or the dark will overtake you” (Jn.12:35). But they stubbornly refused any such invitation.

And Zachée (Lc.19:1-10) had his own special invitation: in fact, Jesus invited himself to his place asking him to be his host. Quite an invitation! 

And then, there was the rich young man (Lc.18:18-23) invited to follow Jesus, but his attitude resembled very much that of today’s invited guests of the parable… “He turned away sad…” 

Every one of them had a choice to make, a decision to take – this is what invitations are about!

Looking at my own life, I can notice as well a whole series of invitations from God – I could make a long list of them.
And I guess that you could make such a list for yourself.

Some of those requests from God, I accepted… sometimes reluctantly, sometimes wholeheartedly.
It happened that I debated with myself and I had to overcome my laziness, my indifference, my ‘busy-ness’ with so many other concerns…
At times, to my shame I must admit that… I was not very much interested… God had to convince me with ways that are uniquely his!

And, I find myself today, still on the way – on the way to readily welcome God’s interventions in my life, for this is what his invitations are.
Interventions of his to help me grow in readiness and willingness to welcome him in my day-to-day life and experiences.
This is THE way to taste the deep JOY of sharing in this exceptional feast he has prepared for me!

Source: Images: Pinterest, crosswalk.com

World Mental Health Day – 10 October

World Mental Health Day was established in 1992 by the World Federation for Mental Health. In some countries around the world, it forms just one part of the larger Mental Illness Awareness Week.

Mental health problems, ranging from issues like depression and anxiety disorders to conditions like schizophrenia, affect millions of people around the world. In fact, according to current statistics, 1 in 4 people will experience some kind of mental health problem during their lifetime and many more will see friends of family members affected.

The purpose of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues, increase education on the topic and attempt to eliminate the stigma attached. It is hoped that this, in turn, will encourage sufferers to seek help and support.

A number of fundraising events take place globally, so why not check if there is an event happening near you and show your support for this serious issue?

Source: Text: DAYSoftheYEAR   Image: Union of Students in Ireland