
Greetings to each and everyone of you.

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and all those enjoying the culture –

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1st Sunday of Advent, Year A – 2022-2023

Week after week, the Sunday Scripture readings give us messages.
Messages that show us the way to become more and more what we are – disciples of Christ.

In today’s 2nd reading, we find Paul’s words as he writes to the first Christians of Rome (Romans 13:11-14).
He tells them:
“Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.”

A somehow mysterious advice, one could say.
Yet, it gives us the true meaning of our identity as Christians.
Saint Gregory of Nyssa said that a Christian is meant to be “another Christ”an amazing expression!
Amazing and… very demanding too.

This means that the way Christ was, this should also be our way.
His way of seeing life, events, situations, people, should be our way.
His way of acting and reacting should de ours too.
The way he was with people of all conditions and situations:

  • rich like Zacchaeus, or poor like the widow offering two coins;
  • powerful like the Jewish leaders, or helpless like the paralyzed man;
  • a person in authority like the Centurion, or an outcast like a leper.

With each and every one, Jesus was welcoming and compassionate, understanding and forgiving.
But he was also demanding, calling every person to the way of truth, honesty, acceptance of others.
His call remains the same to us today.

Paul was echoing the call of Jesus in writing to the Philippians as well.
In words similar to those he had said to the Romans, he tells them clearly:

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5).
This period of Advent starting today is a good time to renew our determination to walk this way…
Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/1er-dimanche-de-lavent-annee-a-2022-2023/

Source: Image: Ryan Callahan’s Blog


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