Looking at a scene, different people will appraise the situation in different ways.
This thought came to me after reading the gospel text of this Sunday (Luke 16:1-13).

Some comments refer to it as the parable of: ‘The Dishonest Manager’,
while others give it the title: ‘The Crafty Steward’.

The two expressions refer, in fact, to two aspects of Jesus’ story.
The text says:

“The master praised the dishonest steward for his astuteness.”

And Jesus adds:
“The children of this world are more astute… than the children of light.”

So, the message may be that of learning astuteness according to God…
This could be the way of becoming truly “Children of light… »

Thinking about it, we could say that:
Being a Christian is really this: taking on God’s ways! 

  • God’s way of thinking,
  • God’s way of seeing the world,
  • God’s way of judging situations,
  • God’s way of speaking,
  • God’s way of interacting among ourselves
  • God’s way of responding to the needs of people,
  • God’s way in reacting to the different situations we find ourselves in…

GOD’S WAY… the secret!


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/25e-dimanche-de-lannee-c-2022/


Source: Image: Dust Off the Bible

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