Banner, Image: pexels.com (Ann H.)
At times, you may hear some people discussing and one person will say:
“Well, it all depends on your perspective.”
This is true for different situations, and it is also very true in terms of… life as a whole.

Today’s scripture readings help us to see this.
In the 1st reading (Jeremiah 17:5-8), the prophet Jeremiah says:
“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.”
But, to the apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians (1 Cor.15:12.16-20), this is not enough.
He insists that:
« If our hope in Christ has been for this life only, we are the most unfortunate of all people”
Trusting the Lord, relying on him NOW, is not sufficient –
hoping in him must extend, stretch itself, to more than now.
And the gospel text outlines the same extension in time.
Luke, the author, repeats four times the word ‘NOW’ in opposition to “that day” to come later.
Simply said: as Christians we need to look beyond the here and now.
We need to consider life in ‘the long run’.
We are meant to move on, to walk day by day, to the fullness of time.
We must allow the potential the Lord has gifted us with to come to full growth.
In today’s language, we could say that we have been ‘programmed’ for more, for better, for greater, things than those we are living just now.
Then, indeed, “great will be our reward in heaven”!
Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/6e-dimanche-de-lannee-c-2025/
Source: Image: https://www.scripture-images.com/bible-verse/gw/1-corinthians-15-19-gw.php
« If our hope in Christ has been for this life only, we are the most unfortunate of all people”.
Je ne me souviens pas d’avoir lu ou entendu cette phrase et pour tant, elle est tellement importante! Combien de gens se sentent déçus et s’éloignent de Dieu à cause de cette façon de espérer dans l’immédiat. Dans la culture actuelle, c’est plus que jamais, un danger. Mais….il y a l’autre côté qui me guète. Pour quoi prier Dieu alors? Ou plutôt, est ce qu’il me voit comme l’éternelle quêteuse de faveurs?
Je souris à votre expression imagée, Teresa. J’ose croire que Dieu n’a pas objection à recevoir les requêtes des ‘quêteuses’ de ses faveurs – Jésus a bien insisté pour que nous nous adressions à son Père. Il saura bien ajuster les choses et adapter nos demandes…