Recently, I found a bookmark with a text that kept me pondering.
No author was mentioned, but the words led to a prolonged reflection.
It said: “Keep your eyes on the logic of God”.

I was asking myself: What can be considered ‘the logic of God’?
It is at that moment that I came across the gospel text for today, (John 15:1-8).
There, I read Jesus’ words saying:

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser…
Every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes to make it bear even more”.

We would think – with our human logic – that a branch bearing fruit will be left as it is.
It would be allowed to come to fruition and then the fruit would be collected.
But it seems that… God’s logic is different!

Jesus says something rather puzzling:
“Every branch that does bear fruit, the Father prunes to make it bear even more”.

This speaks of cutting out, of taking away, of letting go, of detachment, …
This is not according to our usual choices…
This does not go along the direction of our preferences…
Normally, we want to add, to increase, not to diminish or to lessen…

But then, we need to focus on the purpose of God’s doing:
“to make it bear even more”.

This is where the increase, the expansion, the growth, the fulfilment will come…
In God’s time, at God’s rhythm, in God’s way…
And our human logic has to get familiar with this…

A familiarization that may take time and adjustment.
But this may be part and parcel of the ‘more’…

And who knows what the ‘more’ may still hold in reserve for us!


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image:

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