It happens that we go to some neighbours, friends, colleagues, to ask for something.
What do we actually request from them?
We may want some help, information, cooperation, assistance for this or that purpose.
We may also hope to receive from them understanding, sympathy, friendship.

Today’s gospel text (Lk.13:1-9) gives us to meet someone who asks for something totally different.
We hear him say: ”Give me time.”
The owner of the vineyard for whom he works as a gardener has told him to uproot a fruitless fig tree.
But this gardener wants to try again to save the tree and have it produce fruit as the owner expects.
So, he asks earnestly: ”Give me time.”  

This gospel text is sometimes called: ‘the gospel of the second chance’. 
Some even name it: ‘the gospel of the last chance’.

Perhaps TIME is that for each one of us – a second chance.
To do what?

  • to outgrow our childish ways…
  • to take our responsibilities seriously…
  • to develop some talent left unused up to now…
  • to come to the help of someone in need…
  • to discover the important and precious things in life…
  • to give oneself moments of relaxation, creativity, enjoyment…
  • to be more aware of what our existence on this earth is all about…

TIME to… meet God!
This time of Lent is a good period, yes, a good TIME for all of that!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:  

Source: Image: Dissolve

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