There are many things said about God. Teachers and preachers, theologians and scripture scholars, give us much information on who God is. Some of their words may inspire us, others leave us skeptic, or indifferent perhaps.
The first and second readings of this Sunday (3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C) tell us something most important. Something which is, in fact, astonishing.
To the Christians of Philippi (Ph4:4-7), the apostle Paul says: “God is near.”

And the prophet Zephaniah (Ze.3:14-18) adds: “The Lord is in you.”
From ancient times, human beings have tried to reach God. Amazingly, it is God who is trying to draw our attention, more still draw us to himself.
Today’s message, in a nutshell, could read: GOD IS REAL, GOD IS NEAR!
This short text could find itself on the social media.
It should find itself at the heart of… our faith and our lives!
Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:
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