If you were to see the Prime Minister helping the janitor to clean the offices,
you would probably be shocked.

If you came to meet the CEO of a big company and found him serving at table during the Christmas party,
you would probably be astonished.

If you saw the General Manager of the National Bank washing dishes in a refugee center,
you would most likely be amazed.

And yet… yet… God, OUR God is a… servant-God!
Are we not amazed? Astonished? Shocked?

He never wore a crown other than a crown of thorns. 
Are we ready to accept this kind of King?

Accept this King and be ready to serve one another as he asked us to do –
having done it for us all his life unto death? (Jn.13:14-17)

Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/34e-dimanche-de-lannee-/fete-du-christ-roi/

Source : Image : 123RF.com

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