Every week, a new reflection appears here on the texts given to us for the Sunday celebration.
Most times, the text presented refers to one of the three readings assigned for the day.
Today, we will rather look at the Psalm (Ps.16:1,5,8-11) used as a response to the 1st reading.

The words of verse 8 have caught my attention:
“I keep the Lord before me always.”

An amazing statement!
The author of this Psalm affirms that God is present to him at all times.
If it was so for him, why would it not be so for us?

God present to us in all situations,
present in whatever happens,
wherever we find ourselves,
whatever be our condition at the moment.

The Psalmist is convinced that, remaining in God’s presence, he can claim:
“With him at my right hand, nothing can shake me.”

He keeps assured that he will “rest securely’ and that God “will not abandon” him.
He will be blessed with “abounded joy” in God’s presence.

Faith, Hope, Joy: the very ingredients of a life lived in serenity.
A choice offered to us all.

Note: Another reflection. in French, on a theme from the gospel is given at: https://image-i-nations.com/33e-dimanche-de-lannee-b/

And another reflection is available on a different theme also in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/33e-dimanche-de-lannee-b-2021/


Source: Image: Online Bible – Knowing Jesus

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