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25th Sunday of Year B – 2024

If we could only dream for a while…
Just imagine…

A world where there is no envy or selfish ambition…
A world where no disorder or evil practice are to be found …
A world where wisdom inspires every thought…

In that world everyone is compassionate to all…
Impartiality and sincerity reign…
People are truly peace-loving…
And righteousness is ever present…

Some readers will soon interrupt and exclaim: IMPOSSIBLE!
This can only be… a dream!

Perhaps but… it could become reality, if only…
If only we were ready to work at building such a world…
If only we were willing to make this dream come true!

In fact, it is the way of life to which the apostle James is calling the first Christians.
We find his message in today’s 2nd reading (James 3-16 – 4:3).

Of course, it means overcoming our selfishness and thinking of others.
It calls for treating everyone as we like to be treated ourselves.
It involves freeing oneself from the inclination of focusing only of what is pleasing to us…

The apostle James warns that disorder and evil practices come from envy and selfishness.
Quarrels and fights follow, of course.
This is hardly an enjoyable perspective…

So, it may be worthwhile to dream… and to try to follow the way that offers a more promising life…
The impossible dream? Not with God’s help!


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/25e-dimanche-de-lannee-b-2024/


Source: Image: https://www.scripture-images.com/bible-verse/web/james-3-16-web.php


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