Rêver – oui, nous rêvons, bien sûr. Le sommeil nous amène souvent à faire de beaux rêves… Et, il nous arrive même de rêver tout éveillé/es! Des rêves étonnants et… enchanteurs! Il me semble que ‘Noël’ et ‘Rêve’ sont des mots qui vont bien ensemble! Ce sont des mots qui […]

3è dimanche de l’Avent, année C – 2024-2025

Nous utilisons parfois le mot ‘TROP’ et, d’ordinaire, il revêt un sens plutôt négatif… Une personne dira avec une certaine dose d’impatience : « Trop, c’est TROP! » Trop de difficultés, trop de problèmes, trop de frustration… Les embûches et les déceptions se multiplient, il nous semble qu’on n’en peut […]

3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C – 2024-2025

The text of today’s gospel presents us with people who have come to John the Baptist with the desire to be baptized by him (Luke 3:10-18).  We are told that they are asking themselves questions. “The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts…” What they were […]

International Anti-Corruption Day – 9 December 2024

Theme Young people have dreams and aspirations, but corruption erodes the fabric of society, stifles progress and deprives them of educational opportunities, job prospects, engagement in public life, success in sports and access to healthcare and other essential services. Additionally, it contributes to environmental Thdegradation and climate destruction. Our world […]

International Civil Aviation Day – 7 December 2024

Safe Skies. Sustainable Future: Together for the next 80 years 7 December 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Convention on International Civil Aviation in Chicago, United States. For eight decades, this defining international agreement has served as the foundation for the development of the global civil […]

2è dimanche de l’Avent, année C – 2024-2025

Si je mentionne les noms d’Isaïe ou de Jérémie, bien des gens les reconnaîtront comme des prophètes. Ézéchiel et Osée sont aussi familiers à plusieurs lecteurs et lectrices de la Bible. Mais le nom de Baruch est sans doute moins connu comme celui d’un autre messager prophétique. C’est lui que […]

2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C – 2024-2025

God’s messages come to us in all kinds of ways and forms. Through the ages, his messengers have proclaimed what they perceived as God’s message for people. Often, their words – translating Gods words – are an invitation to do something. This is the case with the apostle Paul as […]

International Volunteer Day – 5 December 2024

« Volunteers embody the best of humanity. On this important day, let’s draw inspiration from their example, and resolve to do our part to help shape a better world for all. »    António Guterres Diverse volunteers, stronger communities For the International Volunteer Day 2024, United Nations Volunteers (UNV) demonstrates its commitment to […]

World Soil Day – 5 December

Background of a decade celebrating soils World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5 December as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources. An international day to celebrate soil was recommended by the International Union […]

International Day of Banks – 4 December

The International Day of Banks is commemorated all over the world annually December 4th, to acknowledge the role of banks in providing people with important information for their financial security. Source: Text: Google The Principles for Responsible Banking The Principles provide the framework for a sustainable banking system and help the industry to demonstrate […]