Despite steady progress made across the world, literacy challenges persist with at least 763 million young people and adults lacking basic literacy skills in 2020. The recent COVID-19 crisis and other crisis, such as climate change and conflicts, have been exacerbating the challenges. This year, ILD will be celebrated under […]
International Vulture Awareness Day – 7 September 2024
As we celebrate Vulture Awareness Day, let’s take a moment to appreciate the invaluable role vultures play as nature’s essential cleanup crew. Often misunderstood and underappreciated, vultures are crucial to maintaining the health of ecosystems by efficiently disposing of carrion and roadkill, preventing the spread of disease and contributing to […]
23è dimanche de l’année B – 2024
Dieu… en ‘grand format’! Un tel titre aura sans doute attiré l’attention de quelques personnes… « Étonnant », penseront certains… « Étrange », diront d’autres. Pourtant, d’ordinaire on parle de Dieu avec des superlatifs – on souligne qu’il est très grand et tout-puissant. L’enseignement traditionnel nous apprend qu’il est partout, […]
23rd Sunday of Year B – 2024
The vocabulary of our language develops with time; what happens in society influences the way we speak. In our conversations, words which may have existed before, are now used with different connotations. A new meaning is given to the way we express ourselves. This is the case with the word […]
3-6 Septembre 2024: Le Pape François en Asie-Océanie
Le Pape a entrepris un très long voyage qui l’amène en Asie-Océanie. L’un des logos présentant ce périple indique un des thèmes choisis: UNITÉ-ESPÉRANCE. En Indonésie, il visite le pays qui regroupe le plus grand nombre de musulmans. Accueilli avec joie par la population de ce pays, lors de sa […]
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation – 1st September 2024
« Hope and Act with Creation” is the theme of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to be held on 1 September 2024. The theme is drawn from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans (8:19-25), where the Apostle explains what it means for us to live according […]