5è dimanche de Pâques, année B -2024

Pour attirer l’attention, informer, et convaincre les gens, il y a une méthode qui a fait ses preuves. Les parents la connaissent, les professeurs également, et les dirigeants de l’industrie et du ‘marketing’ l’utilisent aussi. Il s’agit de la répétition! Les enfants et les élèves peuvent tarder à prêter attention, […]

5th Sunday of Easter, Year B – 2024

Recently, I found a bookmark with a text that kept me pondering. No author was mentioned, but the words led to a prolonged reflection. It said: “Keep your eyes on the logic of God”. I was asking myself: What can be considered ‘the logic of God’? It is at that […]

World Book and Copyright Day – 23 April

What is World Book and Copyright Day World Book and Copyright Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Each year, on 23 April, celebrations take place all over the world to recognize the scope of books – a link between the past and the future, a […]

4è dimanche de Pâques, année B -2024

Récemment, dans un abribus, j’entendais une personne dire à une autre : « Ce que tu me dis est vraiment extraordinaire, si ce n’était pas toi qui me rapportes cela, je ne le croirais pas! » Cette conversation m’est revenue à l’esprit en lisant l’évangile de ce dimanche (Jean 10:11-18). […]

4th Sunday of Easter, Year B – 2024

Nowadays, some people speak of our ways as those of a ‘throw away culture’. It seems that people buy a lot of objects, and they soon throw them away. They acquire many items and discard them readily. Not much is precious to them, it looks as if nothing is of […]

Journée Mondiale des luttes paysannes – 17 avril

Le 17 avril 1996, dix-neuf paysans du Mouvement des travailleurs ruraux sans terre du Brésil (MST) étaient assassinés par des tueurs à la solde de grands propriétaires terriens. Ce massacre a eu lieu alors que Via Campesina se réunissait au Mexique. En mémoire de cette tuerie, les membres de Via […]

World Voice Day – 16 April

 World Voice Day (WVD) is a worldwide annual event that takes place on April 16 devoted to the celebration of the phenomenon of voice. The aim is to demonstrate the enormous importance of the voice in the daily lives of all people. Voice is a critical aspect of effective and healthy communication, and World […]

World Art Day – 15 April

World Art Day, a celebration to promote the development, diffusion and enjoyment of art, was proclaimed at the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 2019. Art nurtures creativity, innovation and cultural diversity for all peoples across the globe and plays an important role in sharing knowledge and encouraging curiosity and dialogue. […]