International Day of Human Fraternity – 4 February

Human fraternity for peace and cooperation We need — perhaps more than ever before — to recognize the valuable contribution of people of all religions, or beliefs, to humanity and the contribution that dialogue among all religious groups can make towards an improved awareness and understanding of the common values […]

Journée Mondiale contre le cancer – 4 février

Le cancer constitue encore aujourd’hui la première cause de mortalité dans le monde, bien avant les guerres et autres catastrophes naturelles. Il fait beaucoup moins parler de lui, mais il tue. Pourtant, il se soigne et l’intérêt de cette journée est aussi de faire prendre conscience de l’utilité d’un dépistage précoce […]

5è dimanche de l’année B – 2024

La 1ère lecture de ce dimanche a de quoi nous interpeller. Mais… elle interpelle tout d’abord… Dieu lui-même! En lisant le texte (Job 7:1-4,6-7), je me suis surprise à murmurer: ‘S’en prendre à qui de droit!’ C’est exactement ce que Job a fait – il se lamente et s’en prend […]

5th Sunday of Year B – 2024

Looking at life unfolding from day to day, some people would say: “Daily life is a ‘mixed bag’.” They think of their experience day after day – good things and bad things are part of what happens to them. Joyful events and happy encounters are surely enjoyable. But problems and […]

World Day for Consecrated Life – 2 February

Consecrated women and men — together with Catholics in general — are invited to celebrate the World Day for Consecrated Life. Established by St. John Paul II, the day recognizes the beauty and impact of a life dedicated to poverty, chastity, and obedience. When is it celebrated? The Catholic Church […]