World Science Fiction Day – 2 January

National Science Fiction Day promotes the celebration of science fiction as a genre, its creators, history, and various media, too. On January 2nd annually, millions of science fiction fans across the United States read and watch their favorites in science fiction. #ScienceFictionDay The date of the celebration commemorates the birth […]

Journée Mondiale de la Paix – 1er janvier 2024

L’église catholique propose au monde entier de célèbrer la Journée Mondiale de la Paix le 1er janvier depuis 1968, à l’instigation du Pape de l’époque, Paul VI. Ses successeurs ont poursuivi cette célébration et, aussi bien Jean-Paul II que Benoît XVI, ont tenu à marquer d’une manière solenelle l’entrée dans […]

World Day of Peace – 1st January 2024

World Day of Peace, celebrated on January 1 every year, is primarily a Catholic feast day dedicated to universal peace on the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. On this occasion, Popes generally make authoritative declarations on the Catholic Social Teachings (C.S.T.). The theme of the feast has always […]