World Day Against Trafficking in Persons – 30 July 2023

THEME 2023: « Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind » The campaign for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2023 aims to raise awareness of disturbing developments and trends identified by UNODC and calls on governments, law enforcement, public services, and civil society to assess and enhance their efforts to strengthen […]

Martha, Mary and Lazarus – 29 July

The liturgical calendar for the Eucharistic Celebrations  invites us, on the 29 July, to celebrate  the feast of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, siblings who where friends of Jesus  and who welcomed him to their home from time to time. We meet them in the following video.  

17è dimanche de l’année A – 2023

  Un texte étonnant, une situation surprenante, une requête inédite, d’un interlocuteur divin! Oui, l’initiative vient de Dieu lui-même qui s’adresse au jeune roi Salomon. Situation surprenante car… Dieu demande qu’on lui demande! C’est ce que la 1ère lecture de ce dimanche nous révèle (1 Rois 3:5,7-12): « En ces jours-là, […]

17th Sunday of Year A – 2023

  Everyone would agree: our lives are filled with all kinds of things. Actions, reactions, relations, sensations, emotions, anticipations… Beliefs, regrets, hopes, fears, joys, memories… Bits and pieces of experiences of all kinds! We may see some of them as good and helpful. Others we may judge as negative and […]

Journées mondiales de la jeunesse – 26 juillet 2023

Les Journées Mondiales de la Jeunesse existent depuis 1984 et sont organisées par l’Eglise Catholique. L’initiative en revient au Pape Jean-Paul II qui en a célébré de nombreuses. Elles sont l’occasion de rassemblements de jeunes catholiques venus du monde entier pour prier, se rencontrer, célébrer ensemble, se former, témoigner de leur […]

World Youth Day – 26 July 2023

5,000 Canadian Youth Join Pope Francis in Portugal for WYD More than 5,000 Canadian Youth are making their way to Lisbon, Portugal to be with Pope Francis, from 1 to 6 August 2023. The Holy Father will join more than one million young people for World Youth Day (WYD), an […]