13è dimanche de l’année A – 2023

Avez-vous déjà accueilli… Dieu chez vous? La question vous surprend peut-être mais l’évangile de ce dimanche suggère une telle réflexion (Matthieu 10:37-42). Aux personnes qui l’écoutent, Jésus lui-même dit: « Qui vous accueille m’accueille ; et qui m’accueille accueille Celui qui m’a envoyé. » Il semble évident que Dieu s’attend à être reçu […]

13th Sunday of Year A – 2023

The slogan is well known to us that says: “First things first!” These words express a determination to set priorities. The gospel text of this Sunday invites us to a different choice (Matthew 10:37-42): Our priorities should be about putting people first, more precisely putting someone first. This someone is […]

International Asteroid Day – 30 June

Why Asteroid Day? In December 2016 the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/71/90, declaring 30 June International Asteroid Day  in order to « observe each year at the international level the anniversary of the Tunguska impact over Siberia, Russian Federation, on 30 June 1908, and to raise public awareness about the […]

International Day of the Tropics – 29 June

Each year on June 29th, the International Day of the Tropics raises awareness about various challenges that tropical nations face. It’s also a day to celebrate the extraordinary diversity of the Tropics. #InternationalDayOfTheTropics The regions of the Earth that lie in the middle of the planet are called the Tropics. […]

International PKU Day – 28 June

What is Phenylketonuria (PKU)? PKU is an inherited disorder, caused by a faulty gene. People with PKU are born with a deficiency of a liver enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). PAH is needed to process an amino acid called phenylalanine (Phe), found in foods containing protein. (Protein is made up of around 20 separate […]

La journée Helen Keller – 27 juin

Dans certaines régions, le 27 juin on célèbre ‘Helen Keller Day’ – la Journée Helen Keller. Cette journée est considérée comme étant d’un intérêt particulier pour la société. Helen Keller a été une femme exceptionnelle et ses réalisations sont à la fois surprenantes et des plus intéressantes. Dans la vidéo […]

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Day – June 27

Every year on June 27th, Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day raises awareness for e important role different sized enterprises play in meeting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. #MicroSmallMediumSizedEnterprisesDay There are two classes of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises. These classes include manufacturing enterprises and service enterprises. Businesses are […]