World Malaria Day – 25 April 2023

World Malaria Day 2023 will be marked under the theme “Time to deliver zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement”. Within this theme, WHO will focus on the third “i” – implement – and notably the critical importance of reaching marginalized populations with the tools and strategies that are available today. In 2021, there have […]

World Penguin Day – 25 April

Penguins are some of the most adorable, lovable and impressive creatures in the animal kingdom, so why not dedicate a day to these flightless birds? World Penguin Day is a celebratory and educative initiative that encourages people to learn more about penguins and their environment, how important they are to […]

Sur le chemin d’Emmaüs…

Le chemin d’Emmaüs, on a entendu ce nom, et le récit aussi – ce récit de deux disciples de Jésus. Ils marchaient à la tombée du jour et voilà que… Mais laissons-les plutôt nous raconter ce qui s’est passé ce soir-là. Jean Rock Boivin et Claude Roy nous en parlent… […]

On the way to Emmaus…

Emmaus, we have heard the name of this village – heard also the story of what happened to the two disciples going there. They were on their way, and then suddently… But let us listen to Anil Das Kumar and Dominic Savio Rassalayyan telling us what happened on that night… […]

Journée Mondiale de la Terre – 22 avril 2024

Cet évènement a été célébré pour la première fois le 22 avril 1970. le Jour de la Terre est aujourd’hui reconnu comme l’événement environnemental populaire le plus important au monde. Le fondateur de cet événement est le sénateur américain Gaylord Nelson. Il encouragea les étudiants à mettre sur pied des projets […]

Earth Day – 22 April 2024

For the past 50 years, Earth Day has been celebrated by billions of people around the globe, annually every April 22, to join together in promoting awareness for the health of our environment. Why should we continue to celebrate this holiday? Some people may view it as just another holiday, […]

3è Dimanche de Pâques, année A – 2023

  Il vous est peut-être arrivé de sortir prendre une marche et de faire une liste. Une longue marche et… la liste était longue aussi… Vous notiez – mentalement – toutes les déceptions dont vous aviez fait l’expérience récemment. Tout ce que vous aviez espéré et qui ne s’était pas […]

3rd Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2023

  Reading the gospel, sometimes a sentence, even a single word, can keep us… there – at the thought, or the scene, or… more still, at the situation described. We may not be fully aware of the reason, but we are drawn to remain… just there. We feel the need […]

World Creativity and Innovation Day – 21 April

Creativity and innovation in problem-solving There may be no universal understanding of creativity. The concept is open to interpretation from artistic expression to problem-solving in the context of economic, social and sustainable development. Therefore, the United Nations designated 21 April as World Creativity and Innovation Day to raise the awareness […]