World Pulses Day – 10 February

Pulses are the edible seeds of leguminous plants cultivated for both food and feed. Beans (Phaseolus and Vigna), chickpeas and peas are the most well-known and commonly consumed types of pulses, but there are several varieties more from around the world, all with great benefits on food security, nutrition, health, climate change, […]

Journée mondiale pour un internet plus sûr – 7 février

Cette journée mondiale est d’origine anglo-saxonne et elle se nomme au départ « Safer Internet Day ». Elle existe depuis 2004. L’objectif 2023 de cette journée s’interesse particulièrement à nos chères têtes blondes (ou brunes, ou autres, …)  #SID2023 : Que vivent nos enfants sur internet ? Et demain ? L’interpellation des jeunes internautes et […]

Safer Internet Day – 7 February 2023

Internet safety or online safety or cyber safety and E-Safety is trying to be safe on the internet and is the act of maximizing a user’s awareness of personal safety and security risks to private information and property associated with using the internet, and the self-protection from computer crime. As the number of internet users continues to grow worldwide, internets, governments, and […]

5è dimanche de l’année A – 2023

C‘est une affaire de dépendance mutuelle… entre Dieu et nous! Voilà la conclusion qui surgit des textes de la 1ère lecture (Isaïe 58:7-10) et de l’évangile (Matthieu 5:13-16) de ce dimanche. L’évangile se termine avec ces paroles:            « Que votre lumière brille devant les hommes […]

5th Sunday of Year A – 2023

Today’s gospel text is very short, only four verses, but with a message that is very relevant, of course (Matthew 5:13-16). The second part of the text about Jesus’ disciples being the light of the world, is well known to us. But the first part may be less so… Yet, […]

World Wetlands Day – 2 February

World Wetlands Day is annually held on February 2 to celebrate how wetlands, which are lands saturated by water, help maintain biodiversity on Earth. Wetlands play an important role in maintaining the ecosystem. About World Wetlands Day Wetlands are found near the sea or inland and can be seasonal – […]