World Human Spirit Day is observed annually on February 17 as a day to encourage mindfulness through meditation; to get us to form the habit of constant reflection as a way to feel content in our pressure-filled society. According to Daniel Helminiak, it’s “a respected philosopher in the space of […]
International Childhood Cancer Day – 15 February
HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL CHILDHOOD CANCER DAY Childhood Cancer International, a network of parent organizations that spans continents, instituted International Childhood Cancer Day to ensure that children with cancer get the best possible care. The day is set aside to raise awareness about childhood cancers and the treatments available for these […]
World Radio Day – 13 February 2023
The theme for the 12th edition of the World Radio Day, to be celebrated on 13 February 2023, is « Radio and Peace« . War, as an antonym to peace, signifies an armed conflict between countries or groups within a country, but may also translate into a conflict of media narratives. The […]
Journée internationale de l’épilepsie – 13 février 2023-2024
L’épilepsie reste une maladie encore mal connue. C’est pourquoi, malades et médecins ont décidé de sortir l’épilepsie de l’ombre en organisant, depuis l’an 2000 une Journée nationale dédiée à l’épilepsie. La Journée Internationale de l’Epilepsie se déroule, depuis 2015, le 2ème lundi de février, et ce dans plus de 120 […]
International Epilepsy Day – 10 February 2025
Despite being one of the world’s oldest known medical conditions, public fear and misunderstanding about epilepsy persist, making many people reluctant to talk about it. That reluctance leads to lives lived in the shadows, lack of understanding about individual risk, discrimination in workplaces and communities, and a lack of funding […]
International Darwin Day – 12 February
This day honors the life and work of English naturalist Charles Darwin. Also known as International Darwin Day, the day is a celebration of science and humanity. Theory of Evolution Born in 1809, Charles Darwin revolutionized the field of natural history by putting forth the theory of evolution by natural […]
Journée mondiale des malades – 11 février 2023
La maladie et la souffrance peuvent parfois bouleverser nos vies ou celles de nos proches: pour nous encourager à donner de notre temps, soutenir les malades, être attentif à leurs besoins, une journée mondiale des malades, créée en 1992 par le Pape Saint Jean-Paul II, est célébrée chaque année, le […]
International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 11 February
Background A significant gender gap has persisted throughout the years at all levels of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines all over the world. Even though women have made tremendous progress towards increasing their participation in higher education, they are still under-represented in these fields. Gender equality has always […]
6è dimanche de l’année A – 2023
Si on me demandait de choisir un thème, ou une idée maîtresse, se dégageant des lectures de ce dimanche, je dirais: Aller au-delà! Aller au-delà, oui, au-delà: des idées courantes des choix ordinaires des jugements acceptables des façons de faire approuvées des décisions populaires des expériences à la mode… Et […]
6th Sunday of Year A – 2023
You may have overheard a conversation when, suddenly, one of the speakers said: “It’s a matter of life and death.” You knew immediately that they were speaking about some serious matter. In life, there are situations which are that important and we are aware of it. The 1st reading of […]