World Paper Free Day is an annual campaign that aims to reduce the amount of paper generated by people in their everyday work and personal life. It was launched by the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM). AIIM is a non-profit organization that provides standards. market research, education, and certification […]
World Tsunami Awareness Day – 5 November
Every year on November 5th, countries around the world observe World Tsunami Awareness Day. This day raises tsunami awareness and shares innovative approaches to risk reduction. Tsunamis are rare, but when they do occur, they can be very destructive. Tsunamis are considered one of the deadliest types of natural disasters. […]
32è dimanche de l’année C, 2022
Au fil des jours, au gré des événements et des situations, on se pose parfois des questions… Des questions vraiment fondamentales parce qu’elles touchent la vie – la vie d’ici maintenant et… la vie d’après la mort. Qu’est-ce qui donne un sens à ma vie et… qu’est-ce qui peut donner […]
32nd Sunday of Year C – 2022
In today’s gospel text, we see a group of Sadducees and we are told that they “say there is no resurrection.” They want to set a trap for Jesus to say something which will lead them to challenge his teaching. So, thinking themselves clever, they make up a story – […]
Use Your Common Sense Day – 4 November
Use Your Common Sense Day is observed annually on November 4, since common sense is an important tool for living life. Common sense is “the applied knowledge of simple, sensible things”, such as not putting metal into microwaves or jumping into rivers without knowing what is under the water. This […]
Le Pape au Bahreïn – 3-6 novembre 2022
Le Pape au Bahreïn, un signe d’unité et de dialogue en temps d’épreuve Le Pape sera au Bahreïn du 3 au 6 novembre. Il se rendra dans les villes de Manama et d’Awali, où il participera au « Forum de Bahreïn pour le dialogue: Orient et Occident pour la coexistence humaine ». […]
One Health Day – 3 November
On November 3rd, One Health Day promotes efforts worldwide to bring together health disciplines that affect humans, animals, and the environment. The day also recognizes how closely our shared environment impacts human health. Did you know that certain animals spread diseases between animals and humans called zoonotic diseases? Some […]
International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists – 2 November
Every year, November 2nd marks the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists. The day draws attention to the low conviction rate for crimes committed against journalists on a global scale. Some journalists stop at nothing to report the truth. Unfortunately, reporting facts cost some journalists their lives. […]