Observée par plus d’un milliard de personnes de toutes confessions, cette fête toute en lumière s’étalant sur cinq jours est synonyme de prière, de festins, de feux d’artifices et, pour certains, de nouvelle année. Divali est la plus importante fête indienne de l’année. À cette occasion, on célèbre la victoire […]
Feast of Diwali – 24-28 October 2022
Diwali, the festival of lights, is a religious observance commemorated by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and some Buddhists around the world. (A five day celebration), every autumn, the observance sees millions of people attend firework displays, prayer services and festive events in celebration of the occasion. However, festivities were cancelled last year for […]
World Polio Day – 24 October
World Polio Day highlights the global efforts to end poliomyelitis (polio) worldwide. Polio is a life-threatening disease caused by the poliovirus, which the World Health Assembly committed to eradicate in 1988. The WHO European Region was declared polio-free in 2002 and has sustained this status every year since then. Every […]
United Nations Day – 24 October
United Nations Day recognizes the founding of the United Nations (UN) in 1945. The celebration is observed annually on October 24th. #UnitedNationsDay U.N. Day has traditionally been marked throughout the world by meetings, discussions, and exhibits about the achievements and goals of the organization. The United Nations works for the […]
Journée missionnaire mondiale – 23 octobre 2022
L’église catholique célèbre chaque année une semaine missionnaire mondiale. En 2022, elle se tient du dimanche 16 au dimanche 23 octobre, date retenue pour la « Journée missionnaire mondiale ». Le thème retenu est « Vous serez mes témoins» (Actes 1, 8).La journée missionnaire mondiale est fixée chaque année à l’avant dernier dimanche du […]
International Snow Leopard Day – 23 October
On October 23rd, International Snow Leopard Day celebrates this endangered cat. It’s also a day to learn more about the snow leopard and how to protect this elusive animal. Although called snow leopards, these big cats are more closely related to a tiger than a leopard. Snow leopards live in […]
International Stuttering Awareness Day – 22 October
October 22nd marks International Stuttering Awareness Day as a way to bring awareness for this speech fluency disorder. The primary purpose of International Stuttering Awareness Day is to: Change public attitudes and eliminate societal discrimination toward people who stutter Promote the self-esteem and opportunities of people who stutter to reach […]
30è dimanche de l’année C, 2022
« C’est une question de perspective, » diront certain/es en entendant le texte de l’évangile de ce dimanche (Luc 18:9-14). Et, ils/elles ont raison! Mais de quelle perspective est-il question? Précisément celle où l’on sait reconnaître sa place et… la place de Dieu! Dans la parabole bien connue de ce […]
30th Sunday of Year C – 2022
Reading the gospel text of this Sunday (Luke 18:9-14) some could exclaim: “This is the world upside down!” Somehow, it is! The last verse says: “All those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” It seems obvious from these words that we […]
Journée mondiale des vers de terre – 21 octobre
Si il y a bien une journée qui a eu du mal à faire son trou dans le calendrier des journées mondiales, c’est bien celle des vers de terre ! Et pourtant, elle est tout à fait sérieuse. En tant que journée mondiale proprement dite, elle existe depuis 2016 et […]