Journée mondiale des TCA – 2 juin

Les Troubles des Conduites Alimentaires (TCA), parlons-en ! La 1ère journée mondiale des Troubles des Conduites Alimentaire s’est tenue le 2 juin 2021 On connaît mal les TCA et ces troubles s’accompagnent souvent de préjugés difficiles à effacer. Pourtant, ils concernent près d’un million de personnes en France. Plus de la moitié d’entre […]

World Day for Responsible Tourism – 2 June 2022

Every year on June 2nd is the World Day for Responsible Tourism. This year’s theme (9° edition of the World Day for Responsible Tourism) is communication and marketing. Sustainable tourism should become mandatory, experts say. Yet many non-profit organizations and NGOs denounce the green-washing of the big multinational corporations of the tourism. There is a big difference […]

World Reef Day – 1st June

The Marovo Lagoon in the Solomon Islands is the largest saltwater lagoon in the world. Protected by a double barrier reef, it’s home to unique marine life and coral, making it a bucket-list destination for divers. The beauty and diversity of life contained within its pristine, 700 square kilometres are […]

Global Day of Parents – 1st June 2022

Appreciate All Parents Throughout the World Since the 1980s, the important role of the family has increasingly come to the attention of the international community. The General Assembly adopted a number of resolutions and proclaimed the International Year of the Family and the International Day of Families. Emphasizing the critical role […]