Some people delight in finding unusual things, they marvel at extraordinary events. And, in this day and age, there is plenty to satisfy their search for what is special and exceptional! The landing of a human being on the moon ranks among such happenings. The astronaut, Neil Armstrong, is quoted […]
Fête de l’Ascension, année C – 2022
On nous pose souvent des questions et cela dans des situations diverses. Certaines questions nous laissent parfois inconfortables… J’imagine que ce fut le cas pour le groupe des apôtres lors de l’Ascension de Jésus. La 1ère lecture de cette fête nous présente la scène (Actes 1:1-11). Les deux derniers versets […]
Feast of the Ascension, Year C – 2022
Today’s feast is somehow mysterious… In the 1st reading, we are told that, risen from the dead, Jesus has been appearing to his apostles a number of times (Acts 1:1-11). A few verses later, we see him disappearing from their sight. Appearing, disappearing – these two words bring to mind […]
Africa Day – 25 May
Africa Day (formerly African Freedom Day and African Liberation Day) is the annual commemoration of the foundation of the Organisation of African Unity on 25 May 1963. It is celebrated in various countries on the African continent, as well as around the world. The organisation was transformed into the African Union on 9 July 2002 in Durban, South Africa, but the […]
Vesak Day – 16 May 2022
Photo: Siddhartha Gautama, the Lord Buddha, was born in 623 B.C. in the famous gardens of Lumbini, which soon became a place of pilgrimage. « Let us seize this moment of spiritual renewal, and honour Buddha’s wisdom by coming together as one, in solidarity, and shaping a better, more peaceful world […]
Journée Mondiale de la biodiversité – 22 mai 2022
Alors que plus personne aujourd’hui ne songe à remettre en cause l’importance de la diversité biologique pour le présent et pour les générations futures, certaines activités humaines continuent pourtant à réduire le nombre d’espèces vivantes : agriculture intensive et épandages massifs de produits phytosanitaires, pêche intensive et élevage industriel, chasse d’éspèces […]
International Day for Biological Diversity – 22 May 2022
May 22 is celebrated as International Day for Biological Diversity to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. The day also marks the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The United Nations General Assembly took this decision in December 2000. The day is celebrated every year with […]
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development – 21 May
Held every year on 21 May, the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development celebrates not only the richness of the world’s cultures, but also the essential role of intercultural dialogue for achieving peace and sustainable development. The United Nations General Assembly first declared this World Day in […]
International Tea Day – 21 May
Why drink tea? Tea is a beverage made from the Camellia sinesis plant. Tea is the world’s most consumed drink, after water. It is believed that tea originated in northeast India, north Myanmar and southwest China, but the exact place where the plant first grew is not known. Tea has been with […]
World Fish Migration Day – 21 May
Global awareness raising event World Fish Migration Day (WFMD) culminates every two years in a global celebration to create awareness about the importance of migratory fish and free-flowing rivers. This international day of events is coordinated by the World Fish Migration Foundation. On World Fish Migration Day, organizations from around […]