30è dimanche de l’année B

Il y a des gestes qui parlent d’eux-mêmes: Il est évident qu’un mendiant qui tend la main vers les passants sollicite leur assistance. Certaines paroles ont aussi un message bien clair: ce qui est exprimé ne laisse pas de doute. On croirait que c’est le cas de l’aveugle de Jéricho […]

30th Sunday of Year B

Let us imagine for a moment that someone would tell you: “God is calling you.” What would your reaction be? Many people would possibly think: “What does God want from me?” But should the question not rather be: “What does God want FOR me?” This thought came to me as […]

World Polio Day – 24 October

World Polio Day was established by Rotary International over a decade ago to commemorate the birth of Jonas Salk, who led the first team to develop a vaccine against poliomyelitis. Use of this inactivated polio virus vaccine and subsequent widespread use of the oral polio virus, developed by Albert Sabin, […]

29è dimanche de l’année B

DIEU – on se le représente de bien des manières… Les différents auteurs des livres bibliques nous le présentent de multiples façons. Il est un potier (Jér.18:1-6), un berger aussi (Ps.23). On le considère comme un gardien (Ps.4) et un conseiller (Ps.16). Il est à la fois bâtisseur (He.3:4) et […]

29th Sunday of Year B

There are some Scripture texts which are… easy and comforting to hear, or to read. There are others which are difficult to… accept because they are quite demanding to put into practice. There are others still which are difficult to BELIEVE because it seems that… they are just too wonderful! […]