World Health Day – 7 April

World Health Day is celebrated every year on the founding day of the World Health Organization.  Established in 1950 this event has a theme each year to draw attention to a current world health issue.  The WHO puts together regional, local, and international events on this day related to that […]

2è dimanche de Pâques, année B

Les lectures bibliques proposées pour les célébrations du temps pascal sont riches de thèmes pouvant soutenir notre réflexion. Les personnages des récits bibliques apparaissent tour à tour et leur expérience personnelle a beaucoup pour nous inspirer. Leur rencontre avec le Ressuscité peut susciter de nombreuses questions ainsi que de l’émerveillement […]

2nd Sunday of Easter, Year B

Beatitudes – there are 8 which are best known to us in the text entitled: ‘The Sermon on the Mount’ (Mt.5:1-10). There is another one, less known and prompted by a woman who said to Jesus: “Happy (or, blessed) the woman who gave you birth and nursed you” (Lk.11:27). To […]

Mine Awareness Day – 4 April

The United Nations’ International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action is observed on April 4 each year. This day aims to raise awareness about landmines and progress toward their eradication. The day aims to raise awareness about landmines and progress toward their eradication. « Mine action » refers to […]

Invisible Work Day – 3 April

Invisible work, it counts! In 2001, AFEAS in Canada set up the invisible work day and ever since, throughout the world, the first Tuesday of April has become a symbolic day. What is invisible work? Invisible work, unpaid, consists of all of the work done within the family and voluntary […]

Journée mondiale du travail invisible – 3 avril

Donner de la visibilité à de l’invisible, tel est le challenge relevé par cette journée mondiale d’origine canadienne, célébrée depuis quelques années déjà*.  Mais qu’est-ce que le travail invisible ? Si vous cherchez quelque chose de louche, de glauque, de honteux… vous n’y êtes pas du tout ! On parle […]

World Autism Awareness Day – 2 April

World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) aims to put a spotlight on the hurdles that people with autism – and others living with autism – face every day. As a growing global health issue owing to its increasing exposure in the press and common knowledge, autism is an issue that is […]