It may have happened to you : In a moment of candid admission, someone will say: ‘I rush all the time; my life is a non-stop running here and there. I can hardly breathe any more…’ Life can be hectic and the demands placed on us often fill our days. Speed […]
Dimanche de Pâques, année B
« Il vit et il crut. » Cela semble si facile, si clair, si simple, si évident! Non? Euh… pas exactement. Parce que, en fait, Jean n’a PAS cru ce qu’il a vu mais… ce qu’il n’a pas vu! Jean n’a pas vu Jésus ressuscité – tout ce que lui et […]
Pâque juive, Pessah 2018
Vendredi 30 mars 2018 au coucher du soleil commence Pessah, ou la Pâque juive. Le premier véritable jour de fête sera donc le jour suivant, le samedi 31 mars 2018. Les festivités prendront fin au soir du samedi 7 avril 2018. Les rites associés à Pessah : – L’interdiction de manger toute […]
Vendredi-Saint, année B
Par hasard, on rencontre une personne… Par hasard, on retrouve un objet disparu depuis longtemps… Par hasard, on entend à la radio une mélodie oubliée… Par hasard, j’ai reçu un texte qui m’a immédiatement amenée à aujourd’hui, ce jour du Vendredi-Saint. Je vous le partage, sans réflexion ou commentaire personnel. […]
Good Friday, Year B
“The crowds were appalled on seeing him – so disfigured did he look that he seemed no longer human – … without beauty, without majesty, No looks to attract our eyes… A man to make people screen their faces. » This is what Isaiah tells us in the 1st reading of […]
Journée Mondiale des troubles bipolaires – 30 mars
Certaines journées mondiales semblent avoir bien du mal à se faire une place dans notre environnement médiatique surchargé. La journée consacrée aux troubles bipolaires, lancée en France en 2014, en fait partie. Vous, je sais pas, mais moi, cela me déprime… Une [tentative de] définition Ils ont longtemps été connus […]
World Bipolar Day – 30 March
World Bipolar Day is designed to raise awareness worldwide of bipolar conditions and to work to eliminate social stigma whilst providing information to educate and help people understand the condition. Bipolar disorder affects a person’s mood, which can swing from one extreme to the other, with someone suffering from the […]
Holy Thursday, Year B
A few days ago, on Sunday, when Jesus entered Jerusalem acclaimed by a crowd, our reflection showed us that his close friends simply did not understand why he was doing this. They could not figure out what led Jesus to accept this demonstration by the people when he had refused […]
World Tuberculosis Day – 24 March
World Tuberculosis Day is a worldwide event that aims to raise public awareness of tuberculosis and the efforts made to prevent and treat this disease. This event is held on March 24 each year and is promoted by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO). The efforts made to […]