3è dimanche de l’Avent, année B

Quand on parle de Dieu, que dit-on de lui? Bien des choses, oui. On lui prête bien des attitudes et on lui attribue bien des qualités. On dit qu’il est grand, qu’il est puissant. Il voit tout et il connaît tout. Il est saint, il est le Très-Haut. On ajoute […]

3rd Sunday of Advent, Year B

In all religions, whatever be the name and description of a given set of beliefs, there are principles and prescriptions, rites, and rituals, and regulations, commandments and observances. Whichever way they are formulated, there are admonitions saying: “Thou shalt” and “Thou shalt not.” The language used indicates clearly the ‘should’, […]

Hanukkah 2017

En ce soir du 12 décembre 2017 débutent la célébration de la fête de Habukkah. La population juive s’unit pour ce rituel millénaire riche de signification pour eux. David Minier nous en dit davantage.

International Mountain Day – 11 December

Towering, majestic, and beautiful. Mountains are some of the most beautiful of nature’s structures, stolid and regal they stand against the sky, of such a size that they can catch entire countryside’s in their shadow, and turn back the ravages of storms against their unflinching sides. They are the source […]

Journée Internationale de la montagne – 11 décembre

En 2003, l’ONU a déclaré le 11 décembre Journée internationale de la montagne. Cette journée a contribué à sensibiliser la population et les gouvernements sur l’importance des montagnes. Les montagnes jouent un rôle très important dans l’alimentation en eau douce de la moitié de la population mondiale. Elles abritent environ […]

Human Rights Day – 10 December

Every so often a thing comes to pass that is of such astounding importance that we must stand up and recognize it. We must place this thing on the pedestal it deserves, and ensure that the precepts and policies put in place by it are adhered to, appreciated, and spread […]

2nd Sunday of Advent, Year B

Some theologians have said that philosophy is the handmaid of theology. In other words, some philosophical reflection can lead to a deeper understanding of some aspects of the faith. I personally think that the same can be said of psychology. Again, I am inclined to believe that a better knowledge […]