Journée Internationale de l’alphabétisation – 8 septembre

Chaque année, le 8 septembre, on célèbre La Journée internationale de l’alphabétisation. Son objectif est de souligner l’importance de l’alphabétisation auprès des citoyens, des collectivités et des associations. Aujourd’hui, près d’une personne sur sept est illettrée, et sur les 860 millions d’illettrés, 500 millions sont des femmes. Un objectif, l’alphabétisation […]

International Literacy Day – 8 September

The United Nations’ (UN) International Literacy Day annually falls on September 8 to raise people’s awareness of and concern for literacy issues in the world. UN International Literacy Day International Literacy Day highlights the importance of literacy in areas such as health and education. What Do People Do? The United […]

World Physical Therapy Day – 8 September

The human body is remarkably easy to damage and break, and no more so than when participating in strenuous physical activity such as sporting or athletic activity. Physical therapists work to undo damage, educate on healthy behaviour and to restore lost or damaged functionality. Physical Therapy Day, then, is dedicated […]

International Day of Charity – 5 September

Every year, charities all over the world help to save and improve people’s lives, fighting disease, protecting children, and giving hope to many thousands of people. To honour the important work that these many charities do, in 2012 the United Nations decided to nominate an annual International Day of Charity […]

Journée internationale de la charité – 5 septembre

L’assemblée générale des Nations Unies s’est réunie le 5 septembre 2012 pour proclamer que cette date serait désormais celle de la Journée Internationale de la Charité. Elle et invite tous les états membres de l’ONU, les autres organismes des Nations Unies et toutes les organisations internationales et régionales à célébrer […]

Mother Teresa to be canonized on September 4

Pope Francis will declare Blessed Teresa of Kolkata a saint at the Vatican September 4. Mother Teresa was widely known as a living saint as she ministered to the sick and the dying in some of thepoorest neighborhoods in the world. Although some people criticized her for not also challenging […]

23rd Sunday of the Year, C

It is obvious that the work of building requires knowledge and skill. And it demands also planning, if the venture is to be successful. Planning that involves not only the intervention of an architect but also the sound evaluation of the means of the owner – will he be able […]

23è dimanche de l’année, C

Chaque semaine, la célébration dominicale nous offre des lectures choisies selon un plan précis, lectures qui s’échelonnent au long des semaines. Certains textes sont encourageants, certains sont stimulants, d’autres nous semblent quelque peu étranges. Mais il y en a qui sont définitivement… dérangeants! C’est le cas de l’évangile de ce […]