14è dimanche de l’année, C

Il se peut qu’un jour on vous ait offert en cadeau une belle plante. Fixé à l’emballage décoratif se trouvait un petit feuillet avec… les instructions sur les soins à lui donner – ‘la marche à suivre’, si on veut. C’est l’image qui me vient à l’esprit en lisant l’évangile […]

14th Sunday of the Year, C

We could easily have missed it! Yes, I mean the text for our reflection this Sunday (14th Sunday, Year C). The 1st reading is that of Isaiah 66:10-14. The book of the prophet Isaiah has exactly 66 chapters and the last one has 24 verses in all. So our reference […]

13th Sunday of the Year, C

Reading the gospel text for this Sunday (Lk.9:51-62, 13th Sunday, Year C) someone could explain with a touch of humour: “This is a mixed bag!” Indeed, we find in those few verses all kinds of ideas. More than one theme is presented to our reflection:     •    Jesus resolute march […]

13è dimanche de l’Année, C

Chaque dimanche, de nouveaux textes bibliques sont proposés à notre réflexion. Pour ma part, je suis souvent à la recherche de l’expression, de la phrase qui risque de passer inaperçue! Les grands thèmes et les idées maîtresses retiennent facilement notre attention. Plusieurs commentaires nous sont offerts pour les méditer. Par […]

World Day of Organ Donation and Transplantation – 22 June

Worldwide, thousands of people suffer or die waiting for an organ. While the majority of the population favors organ donation and transplantation, for a variety of reasons the potential of organ donation is still underexploited. Fairtransplant contributes to increase awareness on the positive values of organ donation and transplantation by […]

World Day of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – 21 June

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) is a specific disorder that involves the death of neurons that control voluntary muscles. In a number of countries, the term motor neurone disease (MND) is commonly used, while others use that term for a group of five conditions of […]