GOD – his name alone leads people to different reactions.
Some fear his interventions, while others deny his very existence.
But many people want to know him, and they persistently search for him.

Trying to know God is quite an experience, it is something of an adventure.
Theologians, Bible scholars, spiritual writers, all of them try to know him,
or, at least, to discover something about who he is.
Throughout history, these specialists have designed methods leading to a better comprehension.

One such method is entitled ‘negative theology’ telling us what God is not.
It is believed that knowing what God is not, we will come to perceive what, or better still, who he is.

This came to my mind as I read the 1st reading of today’s celebration  (1 Kings 19:9,11-13).

The text gives us to meet Elijah, the prophet, who has come to the mountain of Horeb to meet God.
The scene is vividly described for us to form a mental picture of what takes place.

We witness a powerful wind, an earthquake, a huge fire –
but, each time, we are told that GOD was NOT there.
Is it, perhaps, an expression of… ‘negative theology’?

Then, “a gentle whisper” (another translation speaks of: « a soft breeze ») is perceived –
this to Elijah is the revelation of God’s presence.

Different interpretations are given to this Scripture passage.
This scene may help us understand something of God’s true identity:


  • God is NOT the Avenger God
  • God is NOT the Destroyer
  • God is NOT the Overwhelming Force crushing all under him.

God’s Power is experienced in gentleness.
God’s Strength is expressed in forgiveness.
God’s Domination is seen in service.

We know that Jesus’ whole life was the positive and clear representation of this… ‘negative theology’ –
gentleness… forgiveness… service…

Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at: https://image-i-nations.com/19e-dimanche-de-lannee-a-2023/


Source: Image: Wellspring Christian Ministries


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