There are people who read the gospel to know how they should live, and what they should do.
I wonder if there are some who also search for what they should not do!
In today’s gospel text, this is exactly what Jesus tells those listening to his teaching (John 6:24-35).
He says clearly:
“Do not work for food that cannot last”.
Food, yes, but we can extend the meaning of Jesus’ words to whatever is important to us, even essential as food is.
Nowadays, the prevailing mentality is that of quick returns!
The search of many people is for immediate gratification.
Satisfaction should be here and now.
One’s desires must be satisfied without delay.
But some of us may have made the experience that such gratification and satisfaction are often short-lived.
The enjoyment they provide does not last.
The immediate pleasure experienced lasted a very short time,
like the “food that cannot last” of which Jesus was speaking about.
What remains is disappointment, a feeling of ‘not enough’ –
not good enough, not long enough, not satisfying enough…
Jesus tells his listeners to look for what “endures to eternal life”.
His message is addressed to us as well in these our days.
What « endures to eternal life », that could be…
– a sudden inspiration…
– a gentle nudging to help someone…
– a discrete encouragement to more generosity…
– a more intense listening to God…
– a deeper desire to do the best I can…
The Spirit can suggest what leads indeed to… « eternal life »…
Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:
Merci de me rappeler la voix qui ne se trompe pas, celle de l’Esprit Saint…souvent si discret qu’on l’oublie dans un signe de la Croix fait de façon machinale, dans des mots dits « sans y penser »… Qu’il souffle et fort dans mon cœur…est c’est trop demander?
Son souffle fort peut demeurer discret mais… permanent… je pense que d’ordinaire c’est le cas et je devine que vous en faites l’expérience, Teresa!