Those who study the history of religions usually describe in detail their origin, the beliefs of different groups, their rituals, and the practices of their followers.

They present the attributes of the deity, or god, often referred to in the plural as there are many supernatural beings invoked.


One thing is of particular interest: the gods are shown as all-powerful trying to enforce their will on all.
They may even fight one another to impose their rule and obtain the allegiance of all the people concerned.

This came back to me as I read the 2nd reading of this Sunday (2 Cor.12:7-10) where Paul writes to the first Christians of Corinth.
He speaks of his own experience saying how he repeatedly pleaded with God to be freed from what he saw as a weakness in himself.

He then shares with the Corinthians God’s reply to him:
“My power is made perfect in weakness.”
An amazing statement, absolutely – it almost sounds… ‘ungodly’!
Our God does not want to overcome us with his power – he wants to draw us to himself in meekness.
The prophets and the psalms speak of kindness, gentleness, tenderness. (Psalm 103;  Jeremiah 31:3,9;  Hosea 11:3-4)

Ours is a humble God.
In Jesus, this is how he presents himself:
“I am gentle and humble in heart.”   (Matthew 11:29)

Can you believe it?!


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:

Source: Images:   Egyptian gods: PhilArchive      Greek gods:     Roman gods:

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