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World Radiography Day – 8 November

 On November 8th, World Radiography Day marks the anniversary of the discovery of the X-ray. The day also recognizes the important role that radiographers and radiologists play in the health care industry.

The first thing a doctor does when a patient breaks a bone is order an X-ray. This kind of medical imaging allows healthcare professionals to see what is going on inside the body. The painless diagnostic test uses a form of electromagnetic radiation that passes through objects.

Besides bone fractures, X-rays also detects:

  • Tumors
  • Enlarged heart
  • Blood vessel blockages
  • Fluid in lungs
  • Dislocated joints
  • Internal infections
  • Osteoporosis
  • Tooth decay
  • Foreign objects in the body

The benefits of X-rays include being completely non-invasive and taking only a few minutes to complete. Doctors like X-rays because the results can be seen almost immediately. Radiographers perform X-rays and once the test is performed, the results are analyzed by a radiologist. The radiologist then passes that information to the doctor. In some instances, radiographers need to use other kinds of medical imaging tests to diagnose a problem. These might include a CT Scan, MRI, fluoroscopy, mammography, or ultrasound.

Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, a German mechanical engineer and physicist, discovered X-rays in 1895. He received the first Nobel Prize in physics in 1901 for his discovery. The Polish-born physicist Marie Curie helped advance the X-ray using radium, an element she discovered. In the early 1900s, hospitals were already using X-ray technology. By the 1930s, X-rays were a routine part of patient diagnostics. Today, around 3.6 million diagnostic tests that use radiation in medical imaging are performed each year. Up to 80 percent of diagnostic problems are resolved with the help of X-rays.


Source: Text & Image:

Journée internationale de la radiologie – 8 novembre


« Cette journée d’action et de sensibilisation est célébrée le 8 novembre pour commémorer la découverte des rayons x par Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen le 8 novembre 1895. Les organisateurs souhaitent attirer l’attention  du public sur les bénéfices médicaux et scientifiques apportés par l’imagerie médicale.

La journée internationale de la radiologie portera cette année sur l’imagerie du cancer et démontrera le rôle central de l’imagerie dans toutes les étapes de la prise en charge des patients, de la détection de la maladie au suivi du traitement et de l’après-traitement. »

Internet, différentes sources.             Illustration non disponible en français.

Nous gardons dans notre prière les malades qui suivent présentement un traitement de radiothérapie et ceux et celles qui leur viennent en aide…

International Day of Radiology – 8 November


« We chose November 8th, the day that Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the existence of x-ray in 1895, as a day of action and awareness.
We hope to alert the world to the stunning medical, scientific and even artistic possibilities of medical imaging, the essential role of the radiologist as a part of the healthcare team in countless medical scenarios, and the high educational and professional standards required of all staff working in medical imaging. »

Source: Internet, CAR

On this day, we keep in our prayers all those undergoing radiotherapy and the professionals involved in caring for them.