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23rd Sunday of Year C – 2022

We could say that the 1st reading of this Sunday (Wisdom 9:13-18) and the gospel (Luke 14:25-33) show us how to become wise.
They teach us to SEE and to FORESEE.

The first text tells us to
“discern what the Lord wills.”

While the gospel warns us that we should look ahead and plan for what we want to achieve –
whatever be our aim, we must prepare for what is ahead:
“sit down and estimate… consider” what is involved in our venture.

Of course, this concerns more than our daily activities – the construction of a building, or waging a war, are only two examples.
The words of Jesus go on to make it clear that he speaks of our lives as followers of his.

To ‘take up our cross’ will mean different things at different moments of our lives.
But it will involve being detached of certain things and people,
and being attached, committed, wholeheartedly to Christ and the way of life shown in the gospel.

That’s all – ALL of ourselves given to ALL that Christ asks of us!


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image:


22nd Sunday of Year C – 2019

People speak of the tyranny of ‘should’, the slavery of ‘must’, the compulsion of ‘ought to’ –
all the things I should be doing, the people I must see, the commitments I ought to honour!

All these lead us to get busy, and always busier, being constantly on the run, out of breath
and, at the end of the day, find ourselves empty and dispirited.

In today’s 1st reading (Ecclesiasticus 3:17-18,20,28-29) the wise man Ben Sirach offers us another lifestyle.
He gives us the picture or someone he qualifies as ‘intelligent’ and ‘wise’ as he says

“The mind of the intelligent man will ponder a parable,
and an attentive ear is the wise man’s desire.”

Pondering, being attentive, in other words: 
pausing, taking time, reflecting on serious matters and important issues.
Looking at life and events and finding the true purpose of our human existence…

Those looking for a slogan for a poster would start writing:


The perfect ad to stop people in their tracks and, perchance, direct them to the path of the wise!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:

Source: Image: