image-i-nations trésor

4th Sunday of Year B – 2021

Recently, I watched a webinar, a seminar on the web, it is popular nowadays.
There are all kinds of them on different topics.

Of course, in this time of pandemic, many of them are about the virus causing havoc in our lives.
The doctor giving the lecture I listened to was a specialist in epidemics.
His manner was simple and he spoke in such a way that everyone could follow what he was explaining.
When the presentation was over, I said to myself: ‘That man knows what he is talking about!’

Later in the day, I took my Bible to read the gospel of this coming Sunday (Mk.1:21-28).
There, I met a group of people who could have said exactly the same words I spoke about the lecturer I watched on the web.

The text says:
“When the sabbath came, he (Jesus) entered the synagogue and taught. 
The people were astounded at his teaching,
for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.”
In today’s language, these people could have said of Jesus:
‘He knows what he is talking about.’

If we look at our own lives, when we are in need, this is the kind of person we look for.
In need of a lawyer for a judicial case,
in need of a financial counselor for a transaction,
in need of a doctor for some health matter,
in every situation, we want the best, someone who knows what our need is and how to remedy it –
in other words: someone who knows what he is talking about.

I personally think that, when it comes to my very life – now and… the life after this life…
I need, I really do, someone who knows what he is talking about,
someone who knows from experience what life means, and what death means as well.

I know the very Person I can address myself to…
You probably know Him also?…

Note: Another reflection on a different theme is available in French at:


Source: Image:

La “Maison d’Abraham“

Le projet inédit des trois religions monothéistes

Baptisé “Maison d’Abraham“, un projet inédit a été présenté vendredi 15 novembre au pape François par le grand imam al-Tayeb en visite au Vatican. Il prévoit la construction aux Émirats arabes unis sur un même site d’une église, d’une mosquée et d’une synagogue. En réunissant ainsi les trois religions monothéistes, il s’agit de promouvoir la fraternité humaine.

Neuf mois après s’être retrouvé à Abou Dabi pour signer un document appelant à la fraternité entre les religions, le pape François et le grand Imam al-Tayeb se sont rencontrés une nouvelle fois au Vatican. Le pape l’a reçu au Palais apostolique avec sa délégation composée du vice-premier ministre des Emirats arabes unis, Saif Bin Zayeb. Après des échanges chaleureux, l’Éyptien a présenté au pontife un projet inédit dans la péninsule arabique : un gigantesque complexe interreligieux au style architectural ultra-moderne. Le projet avait été annoncé lors de la visite historique du pape aux Émirats, voilà qu’il prend désormais vie. Une fois achevé, il représentera un lieu unique dans la péninsule arabique.


Source: Texte: Arthur Herlin, Aleteia, fr 16 novembre 2019, Image: aleteia