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Journée mondiale du vitiligo – 25 juin

Cette journée mondiale a été voulue par des fans de Mickael Jackson, justement atteint par le vitiligo. Il s’agit d’une maladie qui se manifeste notamment par une dépigmentation de la peau.

Une initiative internationale pour que le 25 juin soit reconnue officiellement comme la journée mondiale du vitiligo par les Nations Unies, a été lancée par le biais du site  Elle vise à recueillir 500.000 signatures pour une pétition qui sera portée à la connaissance du Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies.En 2021, l’association française du Vitiligo a monté un Tour de France du Virtiligo qui se déroule du 2 au 26 juin (voir lien en bas de page).

En savoir (un peu) plus sur le vitiligo

Commençons par le commencement, le vitiligo est connu depuis bien longtemps et on le mentionne déjà dans le papyrus d’Ebers qui date de 2500 ans av. J.-C.

Le nom de cette maladie nous vient du latin vitulum ou vitium (on n’est pas tout à fait certain…) et il pourrait donc signifier, « veau » ou « tache blanche ».

Le vitiligo se manifeste par des zones de peau dépigmentée de taille plus ou moins importantes, sur le visage, les pieds, les mains, les articulations, etc… cette maladie n’est ni infectieuse, ni contagieuse, ni (physiquement) douloureuse. Ses répercussions psychologiques ne sont pourtant pas à prendre à la légère et les personnes atteintes souffrent souvent du regard des autres.

Un site à visiter :    Source: Texte:  Journée Mondiale     Image:

International Albinism Awareness Day – 13 June

June 13 is International Albinism Awareness Day. It is a UN effort to stop the brutalities against people with albinism.

Genetic Condition
Albinism is a genetic condition resulting in little or no pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes. In several cultures around the world, and particularly in many African countries, people with albinism live in constant fear of murder. Others experience severe discrimination and bullying.

Murders and Mutilations
Hundreds of albinos have been brutally murdered and mutilated in African countries in the past decades. Local superstitions claim their body parts can bring luck and prosperity. Another widespread rumor is that albinos are evil spirits.

The country with the highest percentage of albinos is believed to be Tanzania. In 2013, an independent documentary called “In the Shadow of the Sun” was released. The film by director Harry Freeland tells the story of Josephat Torner from Tanzania, who has albinism. Together, they spent years traveling around Tanzania to spread information about the widely misunderstood disorder.

The documentary, along with several other films, have been powerful tools in the fight against persecution of people with albinism, which is sometimes abbreviated PWA.

The Right to Dignity
International Albinism Awareness Day was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 18, 2014. The resolution “encourages UN Member States to continue their efforts to protect and preserve the rights of persons with albinism to life, dignity and security, as well as their right not to be subject to torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and to continue their efforts to ensure equal access for persons with albinism to employment, education, justice and the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health.”

Source: Text: Image:



International Albinism Awareness Day – 13 June

On the 13th of June 2017 is International Albinism Awareness Day. It had been proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) to spread information about albinism and to avoid mobbing and discrimination of albinos. The International Albinism Awareness Day aims to increase the global attention to human rights. Albinism is a pigmentary abnormality which leads to an extremely light hair skin and eye color.

Especially among dark skinned civilizations the risk of discrimination and social exclusion is very high whilst among light-skinned people the risk is rather low. In some cultures the so called “albino” are considered as hoodoos. International Albinism Awareness Day aims to clear people’s minds of such prejudices and inform the public about this hereditary disease. The UN-day has been initiated in 2014 but is firstly being realized in 2015.

Source: Text:

The Right to Dignity
International Albinism Awareness Day was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 18, 2014. The resolution “encourages UN Member States to continue their efforts to protect and preserve the rights of persons with albinism to life, dignity and security, as well as their right not to be subject to torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and to continue their efforts to ensure equal access for persons with albinism to employment, education, justice and the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health.”

Source: Text:  Image: International Albinism Day