image-i-nations trésor

30th Sunday of Year A – 2020

Writing to the first Christians of Rome, Paul tells them:
“God has no favorites.” (Rom.2:11)

Yet, today’s 1st reading leads me to think somehow differently.
It seems that there are some people who are God’s favorites.
The text of Exodus mentions them (Ex.22:20-26):


“The foreigner (those we call migrants or refugees), the widow, the orphan, the poor.”
All of them have one thing in common: they are needy people.
And their need makes them reliant on God
Their need seems to draw God’s love and compassion in a special way.

They are aware that they cannot manage on their own,
They are conscious that they need the assistance of someone else.
God is willing, he is anxious even, to come to their help.
More still he orders his people – the Jews – not to mistreat or be unjust to such people.

Could it be that God wants needy people to become… OUR favorites also?
And to treat them with God’s own compassion…

Note: Another reflection on a similar theme in French can be found at:


Source: Images:   splash   AP News   The Guardian

29th Sunday of the Year, C

imagesippb2cg0Have you ever tried to obtain something from someone who showed no interest in your request? Worse still the person was not interested in YOU! This can be a most frustrating situation as many of us have made the experience. In such a situation, some people will simply walk away convinced that there is nothing to be done. Others, of a more stubborn inclination, will keep on asking, determined to get what they want. They will keep on begging and literally ‘pestering’ the one from whom they expect to get something.

The gospel text of this Sunday (29th, Year C – Lk.18:1-8) gives us the example of such a person – a widow who wants a wicked judge to grant her what she has a right to get from an opponent. The scene is described vividly and the message is clear. In fact, before we even hear, or read, the story itself, we are told its purpose. Jesus wants us to understand “the need to pray continually and never lose heart.”

Praying is already an activity which many of us do not find easy… and we are told that we should pray continually and never lose heart. Persistence is what obtained for the widow what she wanted. Of course, we are NOT to imagine God as a wicked judge – he is a most loving Father – but he likes to see us show the same perseverance, the same insistence, the same, yes, stubbornness in asking. Not for his own sake but for ours!pray-always

The words of Jesus concluding the story are words of promise. “Now will not God see justice done to his chosen who cry to him day and night even when he delays to help them? I promise you he will see justice done to them.” What often bothers us, obviously, is… the delay! But this is precisely where perseverance comes in!

Source: Images: