Promises are important statements, often heavy with meaning.
We usually expect someone trustworthy to carry out what he/she has promised.

And when the promise is spoken by… God, we cannot but rely on his words.
One such statement is made by Jesus in today’s gospel text (John 14:15-21).
He says:

“I shall ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate.”

An ‘Advocate’, our modern minds may think of a lawyer.
The different translations of the Bible rather speak of:
“A counselor, a comforter, a protector, a defender.”
The Spirit of Jesus and the Father is all of this for us.

A counselor who shows us the way, who guides us in times of choices and decisions.
A comforter who provides strength in difficulties, consolation in painful situations.
A protector shielding us from danger, guarding us from threats.
A defender from those whose menace to harm us in different ways.

This is what the Spirit is, yes, or rather… what he wants to be if… we allow him to be so for us…
God does not force himself on us, he respects the freedom he has given us.
His Spirit wants to be welcomed in our lives…


Another text is available on a different theme, in French at:


Source: Image: Scripture Images