There is much in our lives which is expressed in the… conditional form !
Our conversations often run along these lines: ‘If only I had said this…’ ‘If only he had done that…’ ‘If only she had gone there…’

In the gospel of this 3rd Sunday of Lent (Jn. 4: 5-15-19-26.39-42), it is Jesus himself who uses such words: “If you only knew…”
As she usually does, a Samaritan woman came to draw water from the well and she found Jesus there.
She does not know him and she is astonished – and rather shocked – that he asks her for water.
Their exchange is lively and the woman is not shy to speak her mind but suddenly the tone of the conversation changes… it become somehow much more personal and deeper too.

Then Jesus speaks these words: “If you only knew…” and goes on saying: “what God is offering.”
Do we know, REALLY, what God is offering?…
Do we know who our God is – the kind of God he is, the God he wants to be for us?

In the 1st reading (Ex 17, 3-7), we have heard the Israelite asking: “Is God with us or not?”
At times, we may ask ourselves the same question…

Do we know that God is, REALLY with us, having decided to make his home in us (Jn.14:23).
And in Jesus he offers us the water that satisfies our thirst.

This can take the form of light in our dark moments…
Inspiration when we should make a choice or take a decision…
Strength when we just can’t cope any longer…
Comfort when we feel unable to face life’s problems…
Guidance when we are wondering which direction to give our lives…

Long before the time of Jesus, in the words of the prophet Jeremiah, God was lamenting:
“My people have abandoned me, the fountain of living water,
only to dig cisterns for themselves,
leaky cisterns that hold no water.” (Jer.2:13)

Are we doing the same… when the source of living water is offered to us?…

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