
Greetings to each and everyone of you.

This section for English-speaking viewers –
and all those enjoying the culture –

has developed over the months and is now offering materials of all kinds:

texts, images, poems, videos, etc.

It will continue to provide you with rich contents week after week.


Palm Sunday, Year C – 2019

Different situations can provoke different reactions in us.
A threatening possibility can inspire fear.
The anticipation of a positive happening may cause joy.
A difficult problem may, of course, leave us puzzled.

In the gospel text at the beginning of this celebration of Palm Sunday (Lk.19:28-40),
there is something which I find always… surprising, even astonishing!
We see the scene of Jesus entering Jerusalem and we are told that:

“The whole group of disciples joyfully began to praise God…
for all the miracles they had seen.”
You may think this is not surprising – and you are right.
Miracles awaken people to something wonderful happening in their midst.

What is surprising is what happened – or rather, what did NOT happen – five days later!…
When Jesus was brought before his judge – the Roman procurator – no one appears to speak for him.

I ask myself: all those who benefited from these miracles, where are they?
The blind who can now see,
the lame who now walk like everyone else,
the lepers free from their terrible condition,
all the sick suffering in one way or another and who are now well,
all of them, have they nothing to say to affirm that this man did nothing but good?
To me, this is really amazing! Not one comes up to witness in favour of Jesus.

Today, the crowd shouts with joy, the following Friday the crowd will shout again in… accusation.
Fickleness, yes, the ‘changeability’ of humans, of us…

I know someone who has coined a word to express the opposite – the word is ‘stick-to-it-ness’!
You will not find it in the dictionary but I believe that the reality of it should be found…
in our lives as disciples of Christ.
It is the faithful perseverance, or endurance.

And we have been told: “Your endurance will win you your lives” (Lk.21:19).
Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/dimanche-des-rameaux-annee-c-2019/


Source: Images: worshiphousemedia.com   imagenesmi.com

5th Sunday of Lent, Year C – 2019

This gospel scene of the woman caught committing adultery is presented in a manner at once vivid and truly inspiring (Jn.8:1-11).
There is even (for those who would not know the story) a touch of… suspense!

About this text, spiritual writers and Bible exegetes have published many articles and commentaries.
Yet, there is one aspect I have never seen referred to…
You could say it is ‘a matter of… attitude’!

While the scribes and Pharisees accuse the woman, Jesus has bent down and is writing in the sand.
To reply to the accusers who are now questioning him, Jesus gets up, looking straight at them.
His reply catches them unawares, or rather all too aware of their own past conduct!

But having spoken to them, Jesus stoops down again.
He had placed himself at the level of the accusers, now he returns to the level of the woman –
a woman surely very ashamed and probably trembling with the fear that her life may be coming to an end.

God coming down to our level… is this not essentially the meaning of what theologians call ‘Incarnation’ –
God becoming one of us “in all things but sin”, we are told (He.4:15).
Yes, God has come down to our level and… he remains there – with us and for us.
This woman would possibly not have been able to put this reality into words,
but she had made the experience of it and would never forget it!
Yet, it seems that many of us… forget it, or is it that… we cannot believe it?!
Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/5e-dimanche-du-careme-annee-c-2019/
And, in a video, Jeannie Calavrias presents the meeting of Jesus with the adulterous woman at: https://image-i-nations.com/the-woman-caught-in-adultery/

Source: Image: bilderbe


4th Sunday of Lent, Year C – 2019

“When he came do his senses…”  (Lk.15:11-32)

Herding pigs, for a Jew, was a shameful occupation.
To a Jew faithful to the prescriptions of the Law, these animals were considered ‘impure’.
And there he was, minding pigs for the owner who did not even give him a share of the food the pigs were eating.
Could he go any lower?

He had left with his small fortune thinking it would last much longer.
But he had enjoyed it to the full until… it was all spent – nothing left even to survive.
He was hungry and there was a famine in the country so not much food around
let alone sympathy for someone like him!

Illusion, denial, escapism, – all the modern vocabulary could apply.
He needed to real-ize what he had done, what he had become, to see himself for real!
He had not much choice but to come out of his dream-like adventure and face his present situation.

It is somehow surprising that as he ‘comes to his senses’, he thinks first of all
of the fair salary and the privileged condition of the workmen employed by his father.
He remembers how life could be good at home if he had been willing to notice it.
But he seems still unaware of where this goodness came from.

He has yet to discover, to understand something of his father’s love.
For this, he must set on the return journey.
He has known need and regret, he must still experience the tenderness and forgiveness of his father.

This period of Lent gives us the same opportunity of a return journey…
if only we, too, ‘come to our senses.’
Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/4e-dimanche-du-careme-annee-c-2019/
And, in a short video, France Doucet shares with us her insight into this parable at: https://youtu.be/cyaE_S4WqGI

One can also look at: https://image-i-nations.com/des-mains-differentes/

Source: Image: lds.org

3rd Sunday of Lent, Year C – 2019

It happens that we go to some neighbours, friends, colleagues, to ask for something.
What do we actually request from them?
We may want some help, information, cooperation, assistance for this or that purpose.
We may also hope to receive from them understanding, sympathy, friendship.

Today’s gospel text (Lk.13:1-9) gives us to meet someone who asks for something totally different.
We hear him say: ”Give me time.”
The owner of the vineyard for whom he works as a gardener has told him to uproot a fruitless fig tree.
But this gardener wants to try again to save the tree and have it produce fruit as the owner expects.
So, he asks earnestly: ”Give me time.”  

This gospel text is sometimes called: ‘the gospel of the second chance’. 
Some even name it: ‘the gospel of the last chance’.

Perhaps TIME is that for each one of us – a second chance.
To do what?

  • to outgrow our childish ways…
  • to take our responsibilities seriously…
  • to develop some talent left unused up to now…
  • to come to the help of someone in need…
  • to discover the important and precious things in life…
  • to give oneself moments of relaxation, creativity, enjoyment…
  • to be more aware of what our existence on this earth is all about…

TIME to… meet God!
This time of Lent is a good period, yes, a good TIME for all of that!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/3e-dimanche-du-careme-annee-c-2019/  

Source: Image: Dissolve

2nd Sunday of Lent, Year C – 2019

The texts from the Bible are often presented in a language quite different from our own way of speaking.
Different types of literature are used to transmit to us the message of God.
And, not only is the language different but, often too, the scenes represent actions and reactions that may seem foreign to our culture – and they are!
But the message has definitely something very appropriate for our own lives!

The 1st reading of this Sunday (Gn.15:5-12,17-18) is a good example of this.
The scene describes God who invites Abraham to enter a special friendship with him –
this is the meaning of the word ‘alliance’, a pact, an agreement of close relationship between two people.

Strange enough, God asks Abraham for something… quite impossible!
“Look up at the sky and count the stars…”
Who could do this? An impossible task if ever there was one!
But God adds: “If you can…”
This text which would not usually attract the comments of writers on the Bible has struck me.
The reason is that it illustrates, for me, the pedagogy of God!
God knows well what we can or cannot do, but… we are not always aware of this ourselves!
We are not always conscious of our tremendous potential and our limitations!

And, as important and even more so: we need to become aware of what God can do… if only we allow him.
We know and it is often repeated to us that God can do everything.
Yes, everything except… one, I believe!

He cannot, he does not, infringe on the freedom he has given us.
God calls, he invites, he may urge, or even… cajole us into friendship with him but it is a decision WE must make.
The decision of accepting him in our lives, every aspect of it, every situation, every moment…

A good thing to remember… the next time you lift up your eyes to the sky… and see the stars! 

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/2e-dimanche-du-careme-annee-c-2019/

Source: Images: The Jerusalem Post   The conversation

1st Sunday of Lent, Year C – 2019

“It is too good to be true!” – no doubt, you have heard these words as well as I have.
Some people do not want to be seen as naive, or gullible, believing easily any piece of good news.
They are not trusting easily the messengers of happy tidings.

Strange – and sad to say – some will even doubt THE… ‘good news’!
The good news of who God is and what he wants to be for us.

It is true that he goes far beyond what we could expect or even dream of.
This thought comes to me as I read again the words of today’s response
to the 1st reading (Ps.91:1-2,10-15) where God himself says:

“I rescue all who cling to me,
I protect whoever knows my name,
I answer everyone who invokes me,,
I am with them when they are in trouble.”
“All… Whoever… Everyone…”
No restriction, no limits, no qualification or credentials required.
No past experience or achievement of any kind.
One and all are acceptable to this God of ours –
a God who is waiting, always waiting for our return to him.

This is what Lent is about, is it not?
To return and to REMIND ourselves of this amazing truth…
When it is God who speaks, is it not too good NOT to be true!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/1er-dimanche-du-careme-annee-c-2019/

A short video is also available on this theme in French: https://youtu.be/cpfWC7eed1A

Source: Image: Kozman


Ash Wednesday, Year C – 2019

Who knows?”  
We often hear this expression in different contexts.
It is sometimes used when inquiring about a possible event.
One may wonder about the outcome of a given project and asks someone about it.
The answer comes: ‘Who knows?’ 
A person may inquire about the intention of a colleague regarding a possible decision.
The same answer is given: ‘Who knows?’ 
These words imply that there are a number of possible outcomes.
The expression supposes that different conclusions may be reached, or choices made.
In other words: the situation is, as we say, ‘wide open’ – some change may happen in the course of time.

It is interesting to see these words used by the prophet Joel speaking about… GOD!
In the 1st reading (Joel 2:12-18), we hear him say:
Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing…”

As if God could change his mind!
We have been taught that it is not so, and yet…

Perhaps we need to switch things around, look at another angle of the situation –
the situation of… our relationship with God…

If WE change, if we return to him as he asks us to do…
Who knows?’ we may come to see him as he really is:
“gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love…”

Perhaps this is what Lent is all about: OUR changing so we may see God as he is…
as he wants to be for us: always ready to “leave behind a blessing…”

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/mercredi-des-cendres-annee-c-2019/


Source: Image: Pilgrim at the Crossroads – WordPress.com



8th Sunday of Year C

Did you notice it : nowadays, on many products there is an ISO code?
These letters identify the International Organization for Standardization.
It is the mention of ‘quality control’ for this item.
It has become compulsory for producers and companies to label clearly that a given object has been checked and tested and that it is up to the required standard.

What about… our lives?
The 1st reading (Ben Sira 27:4-7) and the gospel of this Sunday (Lk.6:39-45), both texts invite us to do exactly this: 
to check the quality of our lives.
With a simple example – that of a tree and its fruit – 
we are told to test what is the present state of our being and behaving.
One aspect is especially stressed: our speech, yes, the words we utter.

Chatting is an interesting… occupation.
Exchanging information and news can be enjoyable.
Gossiping can be even more so, quite entertaining but… perhaps not altogether innocent.

Spreading what is called nowadays ‘fake news’ can be quite destructive.
The passing on of information which is more disinformation than accurate content can even be lethal.
Even what some would call simple humoristic jokes may have negative consequences.

Lying, backbiting, slander, calumny – they are all definitely rotten fruit.
It goes without saying that none of them should be found in the garden of our lives.

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/8e-dimanche-de-lannee-c-2019/

Source: Image: Pinterest

7th Sunday of Year C

If you were to ask me what I find most difficult, near… impossible, in living as a Christian,
my answer would come without hesitation: to forgive our enemies.
Our enemies or… those we believe are such!

It is already difficult, sometimes very difficult, to forgive our friends!
And we are asked to forgive those who are against us,
those who intend to hurt us or have done so already.

The 1st reading of this Sunday (1 Sam.26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23) shows us  
someone who has done this in an amazing way.
We meet David who is fleeing before King Saul who wants to kill him.
David is given a unique opportunity to destroy the man who wants him dead.
One of his companions intends to do exactly this but David refuses.

He spares his enemy, not out of fear, but he is convinced that he should not touch
« the one who has been anointed by the Lord.”

This takes place many centuries before Jesus coming into our world
and telling us to love our enemies.
Near to impossible for us? Yes, at times really.
But, precisely, we are not asked to do it on our own.
In fact, only God’s help can enable us to do this.
But his help is always offered…

There is an inspiring story about Nelson Mandela who, coming out of prison, was asked:
“How can you forgive those who have treated you so badly for so many years?”
Mandela replied: “If I did not forget, I would still be a prisoner.”

Note: A short video is offered on this theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/ca-ca-minterpelle-8e-episode/

Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/7e-dimanche-de-lannee-c/

Source: Images: keyway.ca  JesusWalk   abcnews.go.com



6th Sunday of Year C

It is said that our society is one where immediate gratification is the order of the day.
People want success, money, fame, NOW.
Satisfaction must be obtained without delay and preferably without too much effort.
One can’t wait to possess and to enjoy whatever will satisfy one’s desires.

In the 2nd reading today (1 Cor.15:12,16-19), Paul addresses the Corinthians and speaks a language that is very different.
He boldly says: If our hope in Christ has been for this life only, we are the most unfortunate of all people.”
Words quite strange to our modern ears. 
They are in sharp contrast with the popular attitude in fashion nowadays.
We are to take… the long view!
We must look beyond the here-and-now to envisage the hereafter…

The present situation may have much to offer yet it can never satisfy fully –
have we not made this experience time and again?
Our human DNA is programmed with the desire for always more, always better, always…

It would appear that Paul is right after all: HOPE is for what is yet to come!
And… the best it promises to be!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at: https://image-i-nations.com/6e-dimanche-de-lannee-c/

Source: Image: heartlight.org