
Greetings to each and everyone of you.

This section for English-speaking viewers –
and all those enjoying the culture –

has developed over the months and is now offering materials of all kinds:

texts, images, poems, videos, etc.

It will continue to provide you with rich contents week after week.


International Day of Democracy – 15 September

2023 Theme: Empowering the next generation

This year’s theme for the International Day of Democracy, “Empowering the next generation,” focuses on young people’s essential role in advancing democracy and ensuring that their voices are included in the decisions that have a profound impact on their world.

Young people are the current and future custodians of democracy

An engaged, well-educated electorate is at the heart of strong democratic societies. Creating an environment in which young people feel their voice counts is crucial.

Young people must navigate a world in which democracies are under threat from factors ranging from the proliferation of online mis- and disinformation, to rising populism, and the destabilizing effects of the climate crisis. It is important everyone is able to meaningfully participate in the decisions that affect their lives now, and in years to come.

Unresolved conflicts, the rising threat of climate change and financial turmoil pose a constant threat to democracies around the world. “The walls are closing in on civic spaces,” warns United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on the International Day of Democracy.

In his message marking the day, the UN chief blames the current spread of mis- and disinformation that is “poisoning public discourse, polarizing communities, and eroding trust in institutions”.

Given the damaging effect that this flood of false information can have on young people, this year’s International Day of Democracy is dedicated to « Empowering the Next Generation » by focusing on the critical role of children and youngsters in ensuring democracy “today and in the future.”


Source: Text: https://www.un.org/en/observances/democracy-day    Image: https://unpartnerships.un.org/events/international-day-democracy

World Sepsis Day – 13 September


World Sepsis Day is held on September 13 every year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against sepsis. Sepsis accounts for at least 11 million deaths worldwide annually. Yet, depending on country and education, sepsis is known only to 7 – 50% of the people.

Likewise, it is poorly known that sepsis can be prevented by vaccination and clean care and that early recognition and treatment reduce sepsis mortality by 50%. This lack of knowledge makes sepsis the number one preventable cause of death worldwide.


World Sepsis Day is the favorable moment to increase public awareness for this poorly acknowledged healthcare disaster, but also to show support and solidarity with the millions of people who lost their loved ones, or, as sepsis survivors, suffer from the long-term consequences of sepsis.

World Sepsis Day is a great opportunity to remind the public, media, national, and international healthcare authorities, healthcare providers, and healthcare workers, policy makers, and the governments that there is an urgent need to increase and improve education on the facility, regional, national, and international level. 


Source: Text & Image: https://www.worldsepsisday.org/

23rd Sunday of Year A – 2023


The reflection on the Sunday celebration is usually focused on one of the readings.

However, this Sunday, the Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 95:1-2,6-9) has been chosen.
The text calls to us in these words:

“Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts.”
This text could be interpreted as some kind of advice, a recommendation, or an exhortation.

But there is a ‘IF’… if you hear…
It implies that you may, or you may not, perceive that God is speaking to you…

But there is a different translation available and what it says is somehow different:
“If only you would listen to God today,
do not harden your hearts…”

It expresses something of a regret, it has the tone of a lamentation.
As if the writer realizes that, somehow, his people are not listening to God.

The author of the Psalm may imagine the blessings that those who listen to God would receive.
He possibly regrets that those who fail to listen will miss much…
He may be aware of what happens to those who are attuned to God’s voice –
how they come to know God, and they may then draw closer to him.

In both instances, the writer insists, adding:
“Do not harden your hearts…”

This may be a recurring temptation: not to pay attention, not to listen to God speaking to us.
We may be drawn by many other voices…
seduced by different invitations…
tempted to follow other calls…

We do as if…
As if God did not really speak.
As if his message was not truly addressed to us personally.
As if his words did not concern our own situation.

Hardening our hearts can be a slow, a subtle process,
but it can lead us very far from what we would like to become…

If only we would listen…

Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at: https://image-i-nations.com/23e-dimanche-de-lannee-a-2023/ 


Source: Image: Stray Thoughts (Barbara Harper)


World Sexual Health Day – 4 September

On World Sexual Health Day, WHO celebrates every person’s right to sexual well-being. The theme of World Sexual Health Day this year is ‘Consent!’, recognizing the importance of consent and mutual respect when it comes to sexual encounters. People should have complete and accurate information so they can make informed choices when it comes to their sexual and reproductive health.

“Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity.

Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled.”

What is WHO doing to promote sexual health and well-being?

Enabling all people to achieve sexual health and well-being requires tailoring normative guidance and national programming to meet their specific needs and lived experience: welcoming and inclusive of people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions, sexual characteristics, people living with HIV, and with disability.


Source: Text: https://www.who.int/    Image: World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)

World Skyscraper Day – 3 September

Skyscrapers have become pretty commonplace in modern times, and National Skyscraper Day is our golden opportunity to appreciate these architectural marvels and feats of engineering. Skyscrapers grace our big cities with their bold presence and define our skylines with mighty buildings that literally seem to scrape the sky. But skyscrapers have only been around for about 130 years.

The world’s first skyscraper was completed in 1885 in Chicago and it stood only 138 feet tall, a mere 10 stories that would not even count as a skyscraper today. But the name stuck, and initially any building that towered high over the surrounding structures was dubbed a skyscraper. Over time, our ability to engineer and construct skyscrapers improved drastically, and now a building must have at least 40 floors to be classified as a skyscraper at all.

In crowded urban areas where land space is at a premium, skyscrapers allow us to build upwards rather than outwards, converting a single allotment of land area into 40 or more floors of potential living space. For National Skyscraper Day on September 3, we invite you to join us in taking a long look up.

Source: Text & Image: https://nationaltoday.com/national-skyscraper-day

Skyscrapers are a real decoration of big cities, but they have existed for only 130 years. In crowded areas, where there is little land space, such buildings are also quite effective. The date was not chosen by chance. 

September 3rd was chosen as the date for this commemorative day because it was the birthday of architect Louis H. Sullivan, who has been called the « father of skyscrapers » and was widely considered to have designed the first ones.

The world’s first skyscraper is generally considered to be the Home Insurance Building in Chicago. It was built in 1885 and was 10 stories tall — an impressive height back then — and stood out as well for having a frame of metal, rather than being built primarily from stone. An addition in 1890 later gave another two stories to the Home Insurance Building.

Source: Text: https://www.thereisadayforthat.com/holidays/various/skyscraper-day


Peter, the apostle, shares his life experience…

The gospel texts of the 21st and 22nd Sunday of the Year (A)
have allowed us to meet with Peter, the apostle.
He is a special character among the group of the Twelve
chosen by Jesus to be his followers and friends.

In the following video, Peter shares what his life has been
with the Master, the Man of Nazareth.

International Vulture Awareness Day – 2 September 2023

It is a celebration that goes beyond mere admiration – it’s a call to action, an opportunity to stand up for these crucial birds and raise awareness about their urgent conservation needs.

Vultures are more than just scavengers; they are nature’s cleanup crew, silently performing a crucial service that keeps our ecosystems healthy. By efficiently disposing of animal carcasses, vultures likely help prevent the spread of disease and reduce the need for costly waste management processes that produce CO2 emissions. In short, vultures provide a remarkable range of free ecosystem services that benefit both nature and society at large.

Despite their vital contributions, the populations of some vulture species are dwindling at unprecedented rates, pushing them to the brink of extinction. These incredible birds are threatened by poisoning, electrocution, collision, and other human-induced factors. We cannot afford to let these important birds disappear from our skies.

Join us on International Vulture Awareness Day 2023

IVAD is a collective effort to shine a spotlight on vulture conservation and raise awareness about the critical work being done by conservationists worldwide.


Source: Text & Image: https://4vultures.org/

22nd Sunday of Year A – 2023


Our lives are woven with all kinds of relationships:
family, relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues.
There are also the specialists we are referred to, or the technicians who fix things for us.

Our relationship with each one of them can be very different.
Some neighbours may become friends, but we may not develop a friendship with certain colleagues.
Some relatives may remain quite distant, while the specialist who treated us has become a close friend.

At a certain moment in time, a choice has been made.
A decision has been taken to accept this, or that person, in our life in a closer way.

Have you ever thought that the same is true about… God!
As you read this, it may happen that you stop and think…
Slowly, you realize that it is true…
You had never thought about it in this way, but you see it now: God invites himself into our lives.

Some people may not want to see God ‘interfering’ in their existence!
It is a little what we see in today’s 1st reading where the prophet Jeremiah is not eager for God to come too close! (Jeremiah 20:7-9).

“You deceived me, Lord, and I was deceived; you overpowered me and prevailed…
I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name.”

Jeremiah laments the choice God has made of him to be a prophet.
The message he must pass on to the people in the name of God brings him insults and abuse.
But he cannot resist fulfilling his mission.

Looking at our own lives, we may somehow feel disappointed as well.
We may have thought that accepting God in our lives would bring us blessings of all kinds.
But we are sometimes faced with being laughed at, or rejected, for being believers.
We may be seen as naïve, or out of touch with the ‘real’ world.
We may lose friends because of our being followers of Christ.

God does not impose himself on us, but he proposes a life of relationship with him.
The choice to accept, or to reject, God’s invitation, God’s presence in our life, is ours.

Much depends on our decision…
A more meaningful life, and a more promising afterlife…

God’s offer is a permanent one… and the choice always remains ours…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at: https://image-i-nations.com/22e-dimanche-de-lannee-a-2023/


Source: Images: unsplash.com (Helena Lopes)        pexels.com (Andrea Piacquadio)      https://www.encounter247.com       Wikipedia

International Dog Day – 26 August


The International Dog Day is observed annually on August 26 to honour all dogs – no matter shapes, sizes, age and breeds – and encourage adoption to all those who have yet to find a home and a family forever.

It is a good and symbolic occasion to celebrate man’s best friend and to remember that every dog around the world should deserve a better life: a life of joy, love, protection, care and respect. A special day to raise awareness about dog adoption because if you are looking for a life’s companion, shelters are full of four-legged friends who are waiting for their chance and will bring just happiness to your days.

Today we also want to give special thought to all dogs that are still left behind in many parts of the world because people, government or local authorities do not care. We should remember all dogs killed, abused, mistreated, but also those who live homeless, in suffering with no care and need to be helped and rescued.

This day was created in 2004 by Colleen Paige, a pet and family lifestyle expert and animal advocate who chose to celebrate the day on August 26 as it was the date that her family adopted their first dog ‘Sheltie’ from an animal shelter home.
Since the first celebration in 2004, National Dog Day has grown in popularity and is now celebrated across the world as International Dog Day.


Source: Text: https://www.oipa.org/international/international-dog-day/   Image: daysoftheyear.com

21st Sunday of Year A – 2023

QUESTIONS: there are all kinds of them, they are countless.
There are short questions, easy; others are intricate, or vague.
Some are intriguing, others are disturbing, they make us feel uncomfortable.

People ask us questions, of course.
Life also asks questions of us, often difficult questions.
And even… God asks us questions!

This started long ago – we see it happening in the very beginning of the Bible where God asks Adam where he is hiding! (Genesis 3:9).
Throughout the books of the Bible, different people are confronted with this questioning from God.
The prophets are often the interpreters to their people of God’s questions.

Today’s gospel text shows us Jesus asking a very important question indeed (Matthew 16:13-20).
He asks his apostles:
“What about you? Who do you say I am?”

If we move from the first to the twenty-first century where we find ourselves and…
If we listen to this very question now addressed to us…
What will we answer?
Not repeating Peter’s answer, but giving our own very personal reply to Jesus…

Some people reading this text will think: ‘It all depends…’
Very true! It all depends what kind of relationship we are having with God.

For us, is God a distant deity, far above, or far away, who has little to do – we think – with our daily life and experience?
Do we know little about who he is, apart from acknowledging his greatness and power?
Or, do we perceive him – mysteriously, perhaps – as close and concerned about us, always ready to come to our help?

God’s questions are always meant to help us discern the way to a better life, a deeper freedom, a more meaningful existence.
And, we should be convinced that, with God, there are no bad answer, no reply that is wrong.
All our answers – even the most inadequate or incomplete – will be received by him who accepts us as we are!

But, of course, we have to listen to him to hear him speaking to us…
For his part, he will wait, and wait, for our answers…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at: https://image-i-nations.com/21e-dimanche-de-lannee-a-2023/


Source: Image: Unsplash